A Twin Bond pt 2

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Akaria POV

The first thing to come back to me was my sense of smell, and I could tell by the metallic and stale smell that I was in a hospital. The next thing that gave away the fact I was in a hospital was the fact that the sheets I was laying on were stiff, and the blanket covering me was scratchy. I could hear muffled talking, maybe they were outside of the room, or maybe my hearing just was not fully back yet. Alright all I needed to do was open my eyes next, or at least make some sort of noise letting someone know I was awake.

The door slid open and I could easily recognize the voice that was echoing from the hallway.

"She is my sister! I don't give a damn if visiting hours are over!" I felt my mouth slowly twitch up into a small smile, well Naruto was definitely here now.

I slowly opened my eyes for what felt like the first time in quite a few hours, and almost immediately wanted to close them again. The lights in this room were so bright it was enough to almost knock me back out. I forced them to stay open though and slowly they began to focus. I looked around and I was right about being in a hospital. My brother was sitting beside my bed focusing down at my hands. I couldn't find the strength to talk, or move. I could barely find the strength to even keep my eyes open.

"Naruto." I heard Kurenai's voice and wanted to turn my head but I couldn't.

"Kurenai sensei, what happened to her?" Naruto whispered, he sounded like a mixture of both angry and worried.

"After talking to Kakashi, it seems as if when your seal broke while you were angry, her's did too." Kurenai spoke, my eyes had closed again, but I could hear her and she sounded closer.

"I can't tell her yet Kurenai sensei, I am worried she will hate herself, or she is going to be scared of herself." Scared of myself? Why would I be? What was going on?

"I think she already is scared of herself Naruto, the look in her eyes after she came out of the stage, she was terrified."

"Please, when she's ready."

I couldn't hear what else was said, I slipped back into the state of unconsciousness. A few questions lingered in the back of my mind, but I would have time for that later. Right now I needed to sleep.


I felt my eyes slowly start to flutter open again, and this time I felt like I had control of my hands again. I moved all of my fingers and felt them tingle as I did. I fully opened my eyes and if I could of found the strength to scream I would of. I was expecting Naruto, Kurenai, Iruka, or even Kiba to be standing over my bed but instead I was met with a pair concerned black eyes. Sasuke's mouth was drawn into a tight line, and he wasn't that far away from my face. It was as if he was studying my face like it was a scroll.

"You need water." He finally spoke after what felt like an hour of us just staring at one another. I watched him walk away from the bed side and over to the table at the other side of the room. He poured a cup of water and walked back over to me. I thought I was going to implode when he wrapped an arm around the back of me and pulled me up. He slowly brought the cup to my lips and once I tasted the water it was if all of my energy was back. I grabbed the cup and chugged it down. 

"More." I demanded, and Sasuke obeyed and brought me back the entire pitcher. He poured me about five more cups before I could finally talk again.

"When did you guys get back?" I looked at Sasuke, when I finally got my dry throat taken care of. 

"About two weeks." Sasuke muttered, and my breath caught in my throat. How long have I been asleep?

"Sasuke.. How.."

"No one is really sure how you stayed asleep for so long Akari, it was like you were dead, Naruto has been freaking out, which in turn stresses me out." Sasuke sighed, and I looked at him for a second.. Speaking of Naruto why was he not here? Why was Sasuke?

"Where is Naruto?" As soon as I asked the question Sasuke scoffed the word 'loser' and rolled his eyes.

"He got banned from the hospital when he kept sneaking in through the windows to stay with you at night, instead of just being smart and asking for a overnight pass." Sasuke spoke, and that's when I started taking in my surroundings. The hospital room was small, a door that probably led to a bathroom was on one side of the room, a small table was on the wall opposite from the bed, and there were two chairs with pillows on them pushed together right next to my bed. There was also a blanket on the chairs... On the table sat Sasuke's kunai holster, and the backpack I saw him with the day they left for the mission with the bridge builder. 

"Sasuke, have you been staying here?" I looked at the raven haired boy, and couldn't help but smile when his cheeks seemed to redden at my words. Sasuke never got flustered, at least not that I have ever seen. 

"Only because your idiot brother got kicked out of a hospital." Sasuke answered abruptly and I smiled at him. We had been getting along since the day the squads were formed, I wouldn't say we were friends yet but I was for a fact his favorite Uzumaki. 

"Thank you, you didn't have to do that." I smiled at him and he just shrugged his shoulders.

"It's fine, like I said you were practically dead, it was no different than sleeping in the apartment they set me up in." Sasuke was looking everywhere but directly at me, and that's when I remembered.. Sasuke was alone too. The entire Uchiha clan had been wiped out. So it was just him. I got lucky and at least had Naruto but he had no one anymore. 

Sasuke and I finally got to talking to each other again. I made him tell me the stories from their mission. I was almost envious that they were technically on an A or B rank mission, and that they didn't die. Although apparently Sasuke almost did. I was grateful that he saved Naruto. Then he started telling me about the tree climbing exercise, and things started to click in my head. Naruto was running out on chakra, and I was feeling it too. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened. When we were little we could always tell when the other got hurt while sparring with other kids, or what the other was feeling.

It was a twin bond, a lot stronger than just a simple sibling bond.

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