We stood outside a large fence, just staring in at the creepy place. This placed looked absolutely insane, it was enough to make anyone lose their nerve. I was still standing next to Naruto, we wanted to spend sometime together before either of us went in there. I had a feeling they were going to test us on our survival skills, so that meant we would more than likely be put against one another.
"Hey Naruto?" I looked at him as he looked weirdly up at the trees where a gigantic bug had just crawled across a branch.
"Yeah Akari?" Naruto looked at me, and I hugged him not caring that everybody was watching, "Hey whoa, you okay?"
"Yeah, just be careful okay?" I mumbled, he pulled back and looked at me with the same dumb smile on his face that he always wore.
"Oh please! I got this I'll be fine."
We looked at each other for a second before both walking off to our teammates. Hinata smiled as soon as she saw me. Kiba and Shino looked at me too. I am sure Kiba was going to give me his usual lecture on how we are his teammates, and he understood that Naruto was my brother, but I had to focus on the team now. I don't want to know what he would do if he saw me and Sasuke talking to each other like that, or if he would of heard our conversation last night.
Naruto came busting through the door as soon as he got home, and stared at me and Sasuke in shock. I am sure he was getting ready to yell at Sasuke but just sighed then walked to the bathroom mumbling incoherent words to himself. Sasuke and I both looked at each other and shared a small smile. I walked him up to the door and stood out in the hallway so I could make sure he was actually gone before Naruto started in on me about having dinner with his teammate/rival.
"Akari I need you to promise me something." Sasuke looked at me in a way I had never actually seen him look before, it was almost worried?
"Yeah?" I crossed my arms across my chest, uncomfortable from all of the eye contact we were making right now.
"Quit trying to make friends with the other teams, they are your competition, and will turn on you at any second," Sasuke's eyes changed from worried to serious in a matter of seconds, "Trust only your teammates, you got it?"
"So I can't trust you either?" I rolled my eyes at how over dramatic he was actually being right now.
"No, because seeing as I know you are one of the only people who might actually stand a chance against beating me," Sasuke reached up and pushed my bangs to the side a little bit, "I am waiting for the perfect to fight you."
All of team eight walked off to fill out our consent forms. This was a survival test, I knew it. We were all going against each other, that meant that you never know who could attack you. Naruto could even be the one to attack me. I saw Sasuke sitting by a rock, and I walked over to him and plopped down in front of him. Sasuke looked at me, and tilted his head a little bit in confusion.
"You know, I told you last night I was waiting to fight you, and yet you want to be friends with me right now?" Sasuke sighed, and stared at me.
"Just promise me you'll be safe." I mumbled, and Sasuke looked at me in shock a little bit.
I got up and walked back to my team so we could go get our scroll. Heaven scroll, got it.
"Whooo hoo!" Kiba let out a yell, "We rock at survival there is no way we can lose! Hinata you better be strong for this."
I looked at Hinata who looked worried, and squeezed her hand before smiling at her. She loosened up a little bit and we all got ready to go. As soon as the gate opened we took off running to get to opening where we could safely stand. Once we found a clearing we all landed.
"Alright, first things first, we have to know where we are going, Hinata you ready?" I looked at my friend and she gave me a nod. I watched in awe as she activated her byakugan. She pointed in the direction we were going to have to go.
"So if the tower is where everybody is going to be heading in the end, I saw we lay a trap near it and just take the scrolls off of whoever falls into it." Kiba looked at all of us, it was a simple but effective plan. I was going to reply but I tensed up, I could sense someone else's chakra dangerously close by.
"We've got company." I smirked, and Kiba and Akamaru started sniffing. We knew what was happening next, the leeches. They all fell down and when one went to move, they were pulled up into a net. All of us watched, as they went up. Kiba and I walked over, and I stood up on Kiba's shoulders so I could reach in and get their scroll. An Earth scroll, perfect, we already got both, no we just needed to make it to the tower in one piece.
-Kiba POV-
We were walking to the tower when suddenly Akari froze. I looked at her worriedly, and then she took off in a completely different direction.
"Akari wait!" I yelled and all of us took off running after her. What the hell has gotten into her. I had never seen her run this fast before so whatever was motivating her to go this fast, was clearly important. That's when it hit me, the whole twin thing. I was positive that something was happening to Naruto. I wish she wouldn't have to worry about that idiot all the time, but I knew how it felt to have a bond. I looked down at Akamaru, who was staring straight ahead at our friend.
"Akari would you slow down!" I yelled, and she looked back at me and her eyes looked like they were filled with tears. Something was definitely happening with Naruto. Then she froze again, and turned around to face us. Her eyes were red again.
"Hianta, use your byakugan and search for Naruto and the others." She growled, and Hinata did as she was told, probably out of fear. I slowly approached her and stood on the same branch as her, I was careful to not get too close to her.
"Akari, are you okay?" I whispered, just as Hinata let out a gasp.
"Team 7, Naruto, they're fighting a giant.. snake?" Hinata whispered, and Akari was going to take off again but she let out a scream and then slowly began losing her balance. Akamaru jumped out of my jacket so I could jump and grab her from falling. I pulled her close to me and stared at her worriedly. What the hell was happening to Naruto?
"Hinata, can you lead the way?" Shino spoke, looking at our teammate, she nodded and took off.
"Akamaru, let's go buddy." I called out to my partner, and we took off running following behind Hinata, "It is a really good thing you are light Akari."
We were helping Sakura take care of the three incapacitated teammates. Sasuke had a high fever, so she was tending to that while most of us stayed on watch, then Hinata and I got an idea.. Just to help them out like Akari would.
"What scroll do you guys have Sakura?" I asked her and she gave me an annoyed face.
"What are you going to take it because I have no one to back me up?" Sakura growled, and I just rolled my eyes at the pink haired girl.
"No, the three of us are going to go out and find you the one you need, okay, think you can hold on?" I smiled, and looked at Akari who was still asleep, "It is what she would of done for you guys, for Naruto and Sasuke."
Sakura told us what scroll we needed to get them and the three of us took off. Just keep hanging in there Akari, I will be back soon.

Fanfiction"Out of everyone our age, every girl, and it had to be you." -//-//-//- The Uzumaki twins were known throughout the entire village. Naruto was the troublemaker, and Akari was the peacemaker. Akari was always following her brother around, out of fear...