A Meaning of a Name

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-Kiba POV

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-Kiba POV.... whhhhaaaaat this hasn't happened for a minute-

I was laying with Akamaru, just looking up at the ceiling going over the days events. Enjoying the peace and quiet since mom was out on a mission. It was boring whenever she was gone, but I enjoyed not getting nagged on every time I turned around. No one entered my room without permission it was great.

"Kiba, someone is here for you." Hana spoke quietly from outside my door, and slowly slid it open. There she stood with a puffy eyed Akari, who looked like she was on the verge of crying even more.

"Uh, thank you Hana." I sat up from my bed and looked at my teammate. Hana walked away and slid the door shut. I walked over to Akari and she threw herself into me, letting the tears spill over. I was a little shocked at the sudden action but slowly wrapped my arms around her back.

"I'm a monster Kiba, I am a monster." Akari just kept repeating the words.. Was she referring to the fox..?


I watched in amazement as Akari caught up to us. Her eyes were the same bright red they had been turning into. Tenten and Neji both looked shocked at what her appearance looked like now. I had to admit it still shocked me from time to time, but Kurenai had told us this was something she needed to work on alone.

"Nice of you to show up, what'd Iruka Sensei need?" I asked her as we all kept moving along.

"Didn't see him just got knocked off a building by an old dude." All four of us looked at her like she was a crazy person, but she just ignored all of us. We kept moving along.

She stayed to help Tenten fight the weird mud dogs, as we moved along to get Hinata back. When all of us finally met up again, we began making our way back to the village that was still under attack.

"You guys, wait." Akari called out and stopped on a branch. We all turned to look at her and she looked terrified.

"Akari, what's wrong?" Tenten was the first to speak, looking genuinely worried about the girl. Figures, Naruto makes Neji change his ways and Akari befriends Neji's closest friend from the looks of it.

"What you saw earlier you can't tell anybody, please you can't tell anybody." Kari begged and we all looked at her. Hinata and I looked at each other, and she nodded knowing what I was about to question.

"What exactly is that Akari?" I questioned, "It's happened a couple times now, but that first time, in that first month of us being genin you almost killed Hinata."

"I can't tell you." Akari shook her head and I just jumped over to her branch.

"That's crap and you know it, if anything tell Hinata and I! We are your teammates after all." I looked at her, with both hands placed on her shoulders, she just kept shaking her head.

"Akari whatever it is, Kiba and I are behind you all the way, we aren't just teammates," Hinata spoke, being supported by Neji due to her still being tired and hurt, "You, Shino, Kiba, and I we are all becoming pretty close friends, in fact you guys are the first friends I've ever had, you guys have accepted my flaws, being the weak link and all, we will accept yours."

"Akari, I just met you but I saw your eyes when you forfeited the match with me, they were the same as they just were.. You were scared that day." Tenten sighed, jumping over to the branch with us, "We told each other that day that we were friends, friends help friends."

Akari looked up at Tenten, then turned towards me, then looked over at the Hyūgas. Before slowly nodding.

"You've all heard the stories of the nine tailed fox correct?" Akari whispered and I thought back on the story mom told me of the night that thing attacked the village, all of us mumbled a yes.

"The fourth hokage defeated it, but he sealed it inside of me."

I pulled back from my friend and smiled at her goofily. Akari looked at me like I was insane. Then I let my self start laughing at her words, causing her face to clench up even more. I walked over to my bed and grabbed the picture frame of team eight off the table that was next to it. I smiled happily at the picture of the five of us. I was looking as confident as ever, Hinata was smiling softly, Shino.. well you couldn't tell what he was doing, Kurenai sensei was smiling happily, and then there Akari. She was hanging off my back, smiling this ridiculously large smile. That's who Akari was..

"Hey, you're smart you know what your name means right?" I finally spoke after I was done chuckling to myself.

"Yeah, of course it means light." She looked at me with a face that basically screamed she was calling me an idiot mentally.

"Pretty fitting to give to a girl like you." I turned around and looked at Akari, who had an eyebrow raised, and a tight lipped mouth.

"What do you mean?"

"Akari, whenever things were down on a mission, when Hinata was falling behind, when I was ticked at Shino, when Shino was mad at me, you were always the one who was bright." I looked at the blonde who was staring at me with wide eyes at my words, "None of us care what you have sealed inside you Kari, because you're light, and there's nothing that could change that."

Akari walked towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me in for another hug. I wrapped my arms back around her. I smiled into the hug slightly, that was one thing that was always great about her, her hugs. There was something that was always weird though, the weird sensation I always got in my stomach whenever she did hug me.


So this was kind of just a filler chapter to give a little back story, actually next few chapters will be filler too. I am trying to establish the relationships Akari holds with everyone before we get to the best part of the story.... Enjoy (:

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