The Avenger

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•Akari Uzumaki•

I hunched over as I started panting, out of breath from the training. When I looked up though I realized I had hit every single mark perfectly. A smile broke out across my face and I turned to look at Tenten who was smiled at me proudly.

"See! I told you that you didn't need some fancy jutsu, weaponry worked out perfect for you!" Tenten announced proudly, "To think this is only your first session, and hey you never told me what has you in such a good mood?"

"Oh! Oh it's nothing." I blushed thinking back to yesterday and the kiss with Sasuke. We were supposed to be meeting up tonight for our actual date, after I spent some time with Naruto, and trained with Tenten for a second time today.

"Mhm, nothing to do with Sasuke whisking you off somewhere yesterday after the third's funeral?" Tenten nudged me with her elbow and my cheeks reddened even more.

"I already told you that was nothing!" I yelled flailing my arms in the air at her. All she did was laugh and we made our way back to the village. We went our separate ways once we were in the village, and I came across Shikamaru and Chōji walking out of a restaurant.

"Hey guys! Have you seen Naruto?" I called after the two and Shikamaru nodded.

"Yeah, he was standing in Ichiraku with his pants off so we avoided it today, besides Chōji wanted more meat." Shikamaru pointed towards the ramen shop so I took off in that direction. I walked in, only to see Naruto standing there with his clothes off yelling about his coupon for his ramen. I face palmed.

"Oh! Akari hello, come on in I'll get you a bowl started." Teuchi smiled at me and I took my seat while I watched my bonehead brother look for his coupon.

"Hey Naruto." My brother turned to face me and I pointed to my headband. I remembered him placing it there before we both left the apartment this morning, claiming he didn't want to lose it while he was training. Finally he undid his headband and found his meal ticket. I rolled my eyes at him, and handed my small piece of paper to Teuchi.

"How has your training been Akari?" Naruto smiled at me as we both had our bowls placed in front of me.

"Really good! Tenten says I have a special talent for it." I said proudly and Naruto sent a small smile as he slurped up the noodles.

"Here you go you two, have some more, on the house." Teuchi placed more noodles in both of our bowls.

"Thank you!" Naruto and I said in unison, then glared at each other as we usually do whenever we do the in unison thing. We already looked alike, speaking alike was just annoying.

"Ah, there's the two prettiest twins." My anger boiled at the sound of his voice and I turned around and saw Jiraiya standing there.

"Hmph pwervy suhage" Naruto said with noodles hanging out of his mouth.

"Pervy sage?" I laughed and stared at the man who pushed me off a building.

"Kid I told you not to call me that." Jiraiya grumbled.

"What do you want old man?" I asked, before slurping up more noodles, "Gonna push me off another building are ya?"

"You pushed her off a building?" Naruto yelled at the white haired man, and he smiled while putting his hands up in defense.

We stepped outside the ramen shop and Jiraiya told us what he wanted. We were accompanying him to find a woman? Seriously?

"No way pervy sage!" Naruto yelled and I crossed my arms and huffed at the older man, letting him know I agreed with my brother.

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