Tutor me?

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I pushed my blond hair out of my eyes; staring across the football field at the girl sitting up on top the bleachers, book in hand. Most ignored her, not noticing her, and though I had seen her sometimes, I never really took the time to interact with her. I wasn't trying to be rude or mean, but come on. I'm popular and have better things to do than talk to nerds.

I looked around; making sure that the area was empty. I couldn't afford to have anyone recognize me, talking to her.

My name is Kevin Owens. I'm the popular guy at our school, the one everyone either wants to be, or wants to date. I have a steady girlfriend who's the head cheerleader. The sparks were never really there, but we looked good together. I have connections to everywhere, from NFL games to parties. My family is pretty rich, and I have the perfect life in most people's eyes. It's never really seemed perfect to me, but its close enough.

I admit I have been jealous of the smart kids at our school, the nerds, even though they are not popular. The teachers like them, they are all going to get into great colleges and have great jobs, and be successful. They don't have everybody looking up to them. No, I don't want to be a nerd, but I don't think it would be that bad.

I look down at my report card. I have two options. Maybe I could bribe the teachers to give me better grades. Nah, I don't think that would work. My only other option is to do what Mrs. Kelly recommended. This involves me asking for a tutor.

The biggest nerd in our schools name is Nina. She has blond hair, an okay figure, not really anything special. But, she does have these huge black glasses, which take away from her. Makes her, well, not pretty. Also, Nina wears t-shirts, or sweatshirts, and jeans, every single day.

All I wanted was to get rid of my C average report card. I needed good grades to get into the college of my choice. I decided to be nice to her, remembering what my mom always said. You get more with honey than you do with vinegar or something like that.

I climb up the bleachers, and sit next to her.

She looks up, startled. "Wh-what are, uh, what do you want?" She asks me, her hands flying up to face, pushing her glasses up higher and peering up at me.

"Is that the hello I deserve, Nina?" I tease, the words Be Nice, Be Nice chanting in my head.

"You, you uh, know my name?" She stuttered.

"Why wouldn't I?" I ask her. Nina looks down and her face turns pink. Aww, she's blushing!

"Well, most people don't really, you know, talk to me. And if they do, it's, uh, kinda insults." She whispers, still not looking at me.

I'm silent for a moment. It's sad that she is bullied like that. I can't imagine how that must feel, I mean, everyone likes me. Then I look up. "Well, Nina, I was wondering if maybe you could, um, tutor me?" I bite my lip, ready for rejection.

Then Nina surprises me. She laughs. "Is that what all this is about? Okay, sure, how about after school."

I shake my head no. "I have sports stuff. Could we do it around six every day?"

She smiles. "Sure thing. Every day at six. Where do you want to do it?"

"You can come to my house." I offered, knowing nobody will see me there. I have enough room for us to study, and it's private.

"Alright," Nina said nodding. She seemed to have relaxed a lot. "See you then. Here's my number, can you, um, text me?" She pauses, and writes something on a piece of paper. "Wait, I mean, you know, for the tutoring. Your address."

She glances at her watch, and looks panicked. "Oh, shoot, I have to go. I'm late for volunteering at the library." Go figure, of course that's what she does after school.

"Okay." I say, watching as she stands up, waving goodbye. She grabs her book in hand, and starts down the stairs quickly. As she gets to the bottom, she starts speed walking across the field, only to trip and fall flat on her face. I try to suppress my laughter, especially as she sits up and glances at me, blushing. Slowly and more carefully, she stands up and begins to make her way across the field again. My eyes watch her until she disappears into the parking lot.

I shake my head, and look at the piece of paper in my hand. It says, in a creative font:

~ 607-335-4673. Fly On, Nina (the nerd, in case you forget my name) ~

I stand there confused, wondering what fly on means. I guess I will have to ask her later.

Walking away, I smile in victory, knowing that had gone a lot smoother than planned. She didn't seem like someone I would want to actually want to hang out with; a little too awkward and shy for my taste, but maybe we can get along for the tutoring.

I walked back inside to my locker, when I was stopped by Mrs. Kelly. "Kevin, can I see you in my office please?" She asked me, and I headed in.

She sat down at her desk, looking up at me through her old glasses. "So, how did it go?"

"Do you mean me asking someone to tutor me?" I asked her.


"Oh," I paused, "I asked Nina to tutor me. She said yes."

I saw Mrs. Kelly's eyes light up when I mentioned Nina. "Ah, Nina. She's such a good student and sweet girl. An excellent choice for a tutor." She told me, and I just nodded awkwardly.

"Who knows, maybe you two will form a great friendship. Maybe even more."

"What?" I asked her, unsure of what she meant.

"Oh nothing. Say, aren't you late for football practice." She told me, and I glanced at the clock. Football started in five minutes, and I knew that if I was late the whole team would be running laps.

"Shoot, yeah. See you tomorrow Mrs. Kelly." I said, hurrying out of the office.

I ran to my locker quickly, grabbing my equipment. I sprinted down the hall forgetting what Mrs. Kelly had said before, the words disappearing into the back of my mind.


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