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  • Dedicated to The Patriots!

@Chelsea_Huns, prepare to make your entrance as a character in this story!

Shout out to ~ anyone who votes!

Thanks everyone for reading. Enjoy and vote, and if u wanna be a character, u know what to do! ;-)


I am sitting on the couch reading the second book in Maximum Ride when my phone buzzes in my pocket. My heart leaps, thinking maybe Nina is calling to tell me she loves me and wants tp be my girlfriend.

I know, I know, but a guy can wish, right?

Looking at my contacts, I see that it's not Nina, but David, one of my best friends. I haven't really talked to him recently, and I feel bad about that. I seemed to just be obsessing a little too much about a certain blond girl. A girl who loves crazy, is shy but loud, enjoys football and sports and books.

I suppress a happy sigh. Gosh I wish she was the one calling right now.


The phone interrupts me, and I answer the phone. "Sup."

"Kevin man, what's up?"

"Not really anything, you?" I ask, being polite.

"Well, our gang and our girlfriends are going out bowling. You up for it?" I want to go, I really do, but the fact that their girls were going, all of them being bratty and mean, stopped me.

"I don't know man, I'm kind of busy..."

"Doing what?" David accused.

"Uhhh, studying." I stuttered.

"Kevin, you never hang out with us anymore. It will be fun. We're just going bowling, our whole gang. Please man." David pleaded, and it was hard to resist. Besides, going out with them might help keep my mind off Nina.

"Fine." I finally said.

"Great. Meet us at the bowling alley at 6." He said, and hung up.

Glancing at the clock, I saw it was 5 right now, so I dove back into my book.

When it was 5:45, I hopped into my car, jamming out the whole ride there. When I got there, I hopped out of my car, and headed inside.



"Nice to see you man!"

"Hey Kevin!"

I'm overwhelmed for the next five minutes with high fives, fist bumps, and hugs. I noticed all the bratty girlfriends, standing over to the side taking selfies and gossiping. Probably cyber bullying too.

And then who showed up? Diane.

For any of you who have forgotten all about this witch, Diane was my super popular, head cheerleader, hot girlfriend, who has nothing between her ears and would be nothing without her pretty face. I never liked her, especially after she messed with the wrong girl and bullied Nina. Then we broke up, or correction, I broke up with her. She seems all sweet, but Diane is the definition of a mean girl. She should be in the movies.

When she sees me, she smiles and bats her eyelashes, strutting over to me in her terribly short shorts and five inch heels.

"Oh Kevviiii! Hi. I've missed you." She says in a high pitch voice that must be her attempt at flirting. How could I have once found her attractive?

"Hey Diane." I say, trying not to roll my eyes.

She tries to kiss me, but I push her away quickly.

She pouts. "What's wrong with you today Kevin?"

I stifle a mean laugh. "Have you not forgotten that we have broken up? Leave me alone Diane."

"Fine." She stands abruptly, walking towards her other friends.

I sigh. Why must their be drama everywhere I go?

"She's a brat, isn't she." I hear a feminine voice state from behind me, and I turn to see a girl around 15 maybe standing there, a blue bowling ball in her hands. She has glasses, and brown hair, and is wearing skinny blue jeans and a shirt that says, 'There's no competition nerves, I am the best.' I laugh.

"Nice shirt, and yeah Diane can get on people quickly." I say.

She smirks. "Yeah, there's a lot of girls like her around."

"And you're not one of them?" I tease.

"Gosh no. Isn't it obvious that barbie just isn't my style?" She grins. "I'm Chelsea Huns. Professional fan girl and soon to be pro bowler. Nothing stands in my way."

I laugh. This girl is funny, and I like her attitude. We could easily be friends. "I'm Kevin. Nice to meet you. And I bet I could kick your butt at bowling."

"Oh you are soo on!" She exclaims, and we start playing. I learn that she is a grade lower than me and we automatically become friends.

"I'm starved. Want to grab a snack before the next round?" She asks, and I nod. We make our way over to the snack counter.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" I ask.

"Nope. Never had one." She smiles, and then my friend's brother Brad comes over. Actually, I think he's in Chelsea's grade.

"Hey Brad." I say, and I notice him staring at Chelsea. Brad's a really nice guy, and he is really sweet to his girlfriends. He is single currently now though, and the wheels are turning in my head. "Dude, why don't you join us?"

"Sure man." He says, and sits down, still glancing at Chelsea. I look at her, and she's blushing beet red.

"This is Chelsea Huns. You are both in the same grade, right?" I ask.

"Yeah. I've noticed Chelsea before." Brad says casually. I look at her, and she looks like she is about to burst.

"Really? I've noticed you too, but I have been too shy to go talk to you or anything." She blurts out, then looks down blushing again.

Brad blushes too. "Same." He says.

Now's time for me to split, I decide, so I pretend I am getting a phone call. "I'll be right back guys, my mom is calling." I say, pretending to answer the phone.

After I come back, I head back to the table, arriving to them in full conversation. "I got to go, Mom want's me home." I say.

"Bye man. Text me sometime." Brad says.

"I'm glad I got to meet you Kevin. I'll keep in touch!" Chelsea says, and I say my goodbyes to the rest of the gang before heading out.

Well, I helped someone with their love problems. Now if only I could help myself.

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