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Nina runs away from me, and I hurry after the retreating girl, unsure of what I did wrong. I thought that she would have been thankful, after all I had defended her, going against my girlfriend, and broke up with Diane when it came down to it. I also helped her escape the crowd of bystanders who had done nothing to help her during the harassment. Wasn't I a hero, like Spider man or something?

"Nina!" I called, reaching out and grabbing her hand. By then we were at the football field, but we were alone so it was fine. Turning her around, I noticed tears streaming down her face fast, mascara running down her cheeks and dying them.

"What do you want Kevin?" She demanded, accusation filling her eyes. "I can't believe you!"

"What did I do wrong?" I yelled back, hating the fact that my voice raised its temper. "I saved you!"

Nina wiped her eyes, her delicate body hunching over. "You think you saved me? You think the bullying is going to stop now that the popular boy at school helps me once? Well you're so, so wrong."

I opened my mouth to reply, but she kept going.

"It's going to be even worse than before, all because of you and your complete, utter, stupidity!" She screamed. "Your girlfriend is never going to leave me alone. Her friends are going to try and help her get revenge. They'll probably even get the football team involved! This isn't Glee either. You think slushies are bad? Try having your head shoved down a toilet, or having books thrown at your face in the hall. This is real, and it's going to hurt so much more because of you!"

I didn't say anything. I was shocked about her rant. Were things really that bad? Had I done nothing before to try and stop it? I was just as bad as the bullies because I hadn't done anything to prevent them from hurting my nerd.

"Nina, I can stop them. We can face it together." My voice finally found words, and I leaned in towards Nina, touching her cheek.

I wasn't prepared for what came next. Instead of melting into my touch, Nina reached out and slapped me. I felt the sting burn in my cheek, and my hands automatically reached up to shield my face.

"Stay away from me! I'm done with you!" She cried, storming off.

I exploded then, yelling after her. "SO AM I! I tried to help you but I won't anymore, if that's what you want. Just leave me alone too!" I turned, and marched away in the opposite direction.

But as I walked, I couldn't help but glance back. I look behind my shoulder, only to see the field empty, looking like it does after a losing game. Abandoned, quite, and dreary.

I feel a weight set in my stomach, sinking like a rock thrown in a river.

What had I done?


HI! Sorry, this is a really short chapter. The next WILL be long, I swear!

Can I just say how much I love reading comments! My heart seriously jumps when I see a new notification signaling a new comment! Thank you guys so so so much!

Vote, Follow, Comment!

and sorry for any mistakes, I promise someday I will edit this stuff!

Okay, Bye!


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