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  • Dedicated to anyone who votes!

Hello there. Two updates in one night? Awesome!

I decided to add a chapter with NINA'S POV  in it. Hope you all like it!

Remember. read, VOTE and comment! 

Also, this whole story is not edited great yet, so if u c anything wrong, just comment!





Why do I love him?

I remember when he didn't know who I was, watching him walk down the halls, always chatting with those fellow popular kids.

I remember watching them from my table in the corner, where I hid behind a book, hoping the other kids would ignore me or not poor food on me that day.

I remember how he would grin to himself during math class in 7th grade when he figured out a question that he was trying to get.

My crush started when Kevin got up in front of music class the first day of school when we were 5, and sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star for us. He was so confident about himself, so opposite of me. It continued over the years, his confidence shining through in sports, and as a result he exiled at anything athletic. I shined in school, I guess, since I have no athletic ability. All through elementary school and middle school I made pomes about him and drew pictures of him to hang on my walls. There is hardly a book that doesn't have his name scribbled throughout the pages, though I think I had made sure to erase or cross them out as soon as I caught myself writing them.

When he first came up to me, asking if I would help him, tutor him, I felt pathetic. Here he is, asking me for help, not knowing that I had been crushing on him pretty much since the first day of kindergarten. He never noticed me, I guess, except to think that I was a nerd. Even if he didn't say it, I know he thought it.

So now, here I am, cursing myself for liking him when he clearly only likes me as a friend.

I thought that day at the fair that he was going to kiss me, but when he jerked away, it broke my heart. He probably remembered who he was with, and even though he's sweet, I know that guys like him don't like girls like me.

This just makes everything so hard. So Fangin hard.

"For the love of Tom Brady why is my life so confusing?" I shout out to no one in particular. I flop back, laying in the shade of the oak tree I am laying under.

I like the feeling of the shade, it inspires me. I pull out a pen, and begin to write.

I write a story about a nerd who is a total outcast and socially awkward, and a jock that makes friends wherever he goes. In my little fantasy story, the jock and the nerd fall in love and live happily ever after. It doesn't matter if my story is cliché, because I just wish it was real life. That would be sooo cool. I sighed to myself.

"KEVIN! WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE? WHY DO YOU MAKE MY HEART BEAT FASTER EVERTIME YOU SMILE!? WHY DO I HAVE TO LOVE YOU?" I shout out loud to the sky. It's not like anyone can hear me or anything. I am completely and utterly alone.


I'm walking down a path in the park when I spot a girl lying on the grass. I start walking over to her, ready to say hi.

And no, I am not a creepy guy or a stalker. I would have thought you all knew me better than that by now. I was just going to talk to the girl because that girl looked like Nina, and I wanted to see if it were her.

As I approach from her behind, I look and see my shoe is untied. Reaching down, I kneel behind a bush to tie it.

I am making the bunny ears when I hear her speak up.  Actually, she yells, not speaks.


Oh my gosh. Did she see me? Does she know I am here? I don't think so, because she picks open a book and starts to read. I am too busy though, processing what I just heard.

She thinks I am cute? I make her heart beat faster? She loves me? SHE LOVES ME? SHE LOVES ME?

My whole life has just turned around with those words. I want to sprint out there and grab her arms, to spin her in a circle, run my hands through her delicate hair, to press my lips to hers, to hold her forever.

But maybe instead I should surprise her. Confess my love in a poetic, romantic way. So that she doesn't think I am a stalker who lurks in the bushes waiting and watching her. Yeah, that might be better.

So what is romantic and poetic enough to symbolize my love for her? And then it hits me like a hurricane.

I know what I have to do.

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