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Listening to the radio was one of my favorite hobbies, if you could call that a hobby. Sometimes during the day I drive around randomly, a habit from my childhood when I would wander the streets trying to discover new places and people. That was before my neighbors moved here, exposing me to the first taste of what having friends felt like. Their son, who is still my good friend, introduced me to what it meant to be a normal boy. From there, it was basketball, football, and girls 24/7.

I glanced next to me at the passenger's seat, feeling my cheeks lift up and a smile arousing on my face. There sat Nina's phone, resting peacefully, turned off.

I couldn't help it, I blushed. Guys weren't supposed to, but I did. What I did last night was so intrusive, so awful. I shouldn't have looked at her phone, it was so wrong. But it was also so right. I felt like I was closer to her, to the nerdy girl who had only tutored me once.

Pulling up in the parking lot, I parked in my signature spot, the one that was "reserved" for me. I glanced down to grab my keys and was greeted with my girlfriends face two inches from mine when I looked back up, startling me.

Diane smiled, tucking a strand of her straightened pitch black hair behind her ear. "Hey." She beamed, leaning closer in an attempt to get a kiss out of me. I rolled my eyes, and pressed my lips against hers for a brief moment before pulling away quickly. Even though we were dating, I wasn't that into my girlfriend. Sure, she was hot and all, but we didn't have any real chemistry and she threw herself at me a little too much. All our friends really wanted us to be a thing, so I guess it just happened.

"Hey." I replied, grabbing Nina's phone and stepping out of the car. "What's up?"

Instead of answering my question, Diane grabbed the phone I was holding. "Did you like, get a new cell?" She questioned, and I shook my head.

"Nah, that's Nina's. She left it, uh, at the ice cream shop, and so I grabbed it to give it back to her."

Diane smiled again, the foul look disappearing off her makeup filled face. "That's so sweet of you babe. Hey, I have science with her. I could totally give this back for you."

I hesitated at what she was offering. Shouldn't I make absolute sure it got back in her hands? What if Diane forgot to give it to her?

"Please?" She offered, and I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Sure." I managed to say, hoping I wasn't going to regret those words. Diane smiled, and pulled me in for a kiss. It was wet and sloppy, and as she thrust her body at me I pulled away.

"I got to run. See you later?" I turned, grabbing my backpack and locking the car door.

"Totally! Love you baby bear!" She called as I walked away.

Baby bear?

Sighing, I shook my head, and headed inside.


"You worthless piece of trash! Stay, like, away from my man!"

The insult rang out loud and clear, and I turned to look at the crowd that was forming on the other side of the cafeteria. What was going on? Was there a fight?

I hurried over to the group, and people spread apart to let me through, one of the many perks of being popular.

In front of me stood Diane and my stomach dropped. There knelt Nina, tears in the balls of her eyes. I noticed her phone, shattered on the ground near her.

"What are you doing?" I shouted at Diane, watching as her face paled when she noticed me. She recovered quickly though, and an almost evil looking smirk filled her features.

"This nerd needed to learn not to mess with me. Can't you see that she's using you for popularity? She wants to take over this school, and she knows the only way to do that is to play with you! You're blind!"

I shook my head, feeling furious. How could she hurt Nina? And call her a nerd? Only I could call her that!

"Don't you see Kevin? I'm doing this to protect us!"

"There is no us!" I exploded, hearing gasps from the bystanders but not caring. I watched Nina's eyes go wide.

Diane looked shocked. "Are you breaking up with me? For that nerd?"

"That nerd has a name! And no, I'm breaking up with you because you are selfish, a bully, and frankly I never liked you. You're too clingy, not nice, and an awful person!" I yelled, grabbing Nina and pulling her up.

Wrapping her in my arms, I ignored the warmth filling my body, and I looked down at her. "Let's get out of here." I told her, and together we left my now ex-girlfriend, who was standing with tears streaming down her face. I may have been harsh, but I couldn't believe anyone could hurt this nerd.

We walked silently until far enough away from the crowd. "Are you okay?" I say, turning to Nina. She looks at the ground, then then my eyes. She frowns, and walks away slowly.

Wait, what just happened?? She walked away from me?

"Nina!" I yelled after her, running to catch up. Why was she mad at me? I only defended her, right? What did I do to my nerd?

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