Topsy Turvy

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"C'mon Sher'," Jon helped him stumble down the sidewalk.

"But whhyy?" Sherwin whined, arm slung around his boyfriend's neck as he staggered. They were heading to their shared apartment.

"You drank too much tonight Sher', c'mon. Could at least walk," Jon said a bit harshly. He regretted it immediately but stuck with his decision.

Even in his drunken state, Sherwin was hyperaware. He straightened himself and removed his arm. Jon blinked and peered at him. Sherwin stumbled a bit but stiffly walked, back hunched a bit.

"Sher'. . ." Jon caught up with him, "I-"

"Whatever," Sherwin brushed it off. Jon fell behind, feeling guilty. Sherwin made it to their apartment. He went inside, and immediately to the bathroom.  He shut the door and fell against it, sliding down it.

Jon entered and shut the house, locking it. He sighed and set his keys on the hook beside the door. He got ready for bed, slipping on old worn sweatpants and shirts.

Sherwin shuffled groggily through the cabinet. He rubbed his eyes and tried to focus. He found the Tylenol and poured himself some, swallowing it down with some water. He glared at himself in the mirror. He was a wreck, and he hated himself for it. But he was too drunken to dwell on it.

Shuffling out of the bathroom, shutting off the light, and walking to the bedroom, Sher walked to bed and saw Jon. Jon noticed and looked away.

Sherwin huffed and climbed into bed, curling up under the covers. He started to fall into sleep, when a poke to his back stirred him.

"Are you okay, Sher'?" Jon asked quietly.

It was all Sherwin could do to grunt a "mmm" noise.

"D-Do you want me to stay?" Jn asked, gulping.

Getting over his grudge or too tired care, Sherwin hummed "mmhhmmm".

Jon let out a sigh of relief as he turned out the light. He returned to 'Win and pulled him close by the waist. Sherwin snuggled into him and also gripped his pillow. Jon felt exhaustion seep in like a virus as he yawned and pulled Sherwin a little closer. Sherwin's head was now resting on his chest, orange hair sticking out in all different directions.

Jon kissed his forehead goodnight and closed his eyes. He felt himself sink into a relaxing sleep, Sherwin's occasional snoring mixing into whatever he was dreaming.

۩۞۩ єи∂ ۩۞۩

Word Count: 420

[I know that was a short one but it was sweet so deal with it yeet]

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