I Promise

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Sherwin sighed, rolling over to turn away from the clock once more. He felt a smile creep onto his face as his boyfriend came into focus. His hand was on the pillow, hair free flowing and messy. He was at peace. Sherwin sighed softly, carefully slipping out of bed. Jon squirmed a little before settling down again.

Sherwin walked down the hall, entering the bathroom. He shut the door with a soft click and flicked on the light. The light temporarily blinded him as he winced and shielded his face.

When his eyes adjusted, he stood in front of the mirror. Eyes bagged, skin pale. He was a wreck. Sherwin yawned softly, shuffling to the toilet. The redhead did his business then flushed the toilet. He sighed and opened the door, turning the light off as he shuffled down the carpeted hallway.

Jon had shifted while he was gone, where he was once spread out, he was curled up. Sherwin chuckled softly, climbing into bed and grabbing his phone. He cuddled close to Jonathon, feeling Jon's arms wrap around his waist. He let his boyfriend spoon him as he opened his phone and played a game. He muted the volume and lowered the brightness.

Eventually, sunlight was streaming through the shades. Jonathon caught some in his eyes and snuggled into Sherwin's back to hide. Sherwin giggled and smiled. Butterflies erupted in his stomach and he couldnt help but feel warm.

All too soon Jon began to stir. Sherwin loved him nontheless but he thoroughly enjoyed Jonathon's cute sleeping state.

"Mmmorning babe," Jon mumbled, head slightly turned so he could talk.

Sherwin smiled, placing his hands over Jonathon's. Jon giggled and lightly squeezed Sherwin's sides. The redhead squealed and started to squirm, laughing and giggling. Jon smiled and continued to squeeze his sides.

"S-Stop!" Sherwin sputtered in between fits of laughter. He was trying to push Jon's hands off, squirming as he giggled and wheezed. Jonathon let go for a moment so Sher could breathe before returning to tickling him.

"J-Jonathon!" Sherwin bubbled, gasping and struggling against his boyfriend. Sherwin's giggles were like music to Jon's ears. He finally let go, laughing softly as Sherwin gasped for air, calming his giggles.

Sherwin had turned around towards Jon in his fits of laughter, now he was breathing heavily but happily. Jonathon cupped his boyfriend's cheeks and smiled, admiring his red face and breathlessness.

"You know I hate to be tickled!" Sherwin whined, lightly smacking his boyfriend's hands away.

Jonathon chuckled, wrapping his arms around Sherwin and pulling him close to kiss his nose.  Sherwin chuckled softly and blushed, nuzzling into Jon's chest.

"Goodmorning to you too," Jon chuckled, running his hands through Sherwin's curly tangles. Sherwin purred softly, curling into Jon's chest and holding onto his shirt. Jon felt his heart flutter, heart warming. Sherwin yawned, eyes closing. He jerked awake with a jolt.

"Sher?" Jon asked softly, grabbing his chin and gently but firmly making him look up at him.

"Hmm?" Sherwin hummed, eyes half closed.

Jon frowned and sighed softly. "C'mon Sher," Jon got up, Sherwin following behind him.

Jon walked downstairs. He sat on the couch, patting the spot next to him. Sherwin was at his side in an instant, nuzzled under his arm with a smile. Jon chuckled softly, shifting so Sherwin was curled on his chest, head under his chin. Sherwin purred, eyes heavy with sleep.

"Sleep babe. You need it," Jon spoke softly, stroking his boyfriend's hair with one hand and holding him close with the other.

"B-but-" Sherwin looked up at him with surprise, "H-How-?" Did he know he didnt sleep? How would he know?

Jon sighed and pressed their foreheads together, closing his eyes. "We have a connection Sher. Do you feel it?"

Sherwin opened his mouth to say something but decided against it. He closed his eyes and relaxed, listening. Everything was silent except for Jon's warm breath grazing his face. Then he heard it, a heartbeat. Two heartbeats. Faint but there.

He looked up at Jon who returned his gaze. Concern and sadness clouded Jon's eyes behind his eyelids. Jon swiped some hair from Sherwin's face and kissed his nose.

"Did you feel it?"

Sherwin choked and gripped Jon's shirt, beginning to cry. He whimpered and whined. Jon took Sherwin's trembling hand in his own and intertwined their hands.

"Shh, shh," Jonathon shushed his boyfriend softly. Sherwin hiccuped and looked up at him. Jonathon made a funny face and Sherwin laughed softly, looking away with a blush. Jonathon cuddled close, squeezing his hand a little. Sherwin sniffled and cuddled close, fitting into Jon like a puzzle piece.

"I love you Sher," Jon whispered, "Please don't ever forget that.

"I-I won't," Sherwin said, just as softly as Jon.

"You promise?" Jon looked down at him. Sherwin returned his gaze with determination burning in his teary eyes.

"I promise."

۩۞۩ єи∂ ۩۞۩

Word Count: 830

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