I'm Sorry

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(Slight Angst, mentions of anorexia)

Enjoy :)

"Sher'," Jon leaned against the locker next to Sherwin, "We need to talk."

Four words. That's all it took to scare A N Y O N E in a relationship. Sherwin dropped his books.

"W-Why?" Sherwin asked, picking up his books.

"Are your parents home?" Jon asked, helping him.

"N-No," Sherwin gulped, standing as h gathered all his things.

"Let's go," Jon waited, Sherwin grabbing his things and shutting his locker. Jon took hold of Sherwin's hand and led him quickly down the hallway and outside. Sherwin kept up, anxiety eating him up.

Was he mad? Did he do something wrong? Was he annoying? Did he overwhelm him? Had he rushed him? Terrible thoughts swirled in his head.

Luckily, Sherwin lived close by, giving less time for the thoughts to sink in. Heading inside, Sherwin and Jon set their things down. Waiting anxiously, Sherwin watched Jon pace back and forth.

"Sherwin, come here," Jon stopped and gestured him to come closer.

Sherwin tentatively stepped closer. Jon took hold of Sherwin's shirt and pulled it over Sherwin's head. Sherwin's arms went up too and the shirt came off.

"Jon!" Sherwin whined, trying to cover his chest. An ashamed and embarrassed blush darkened his usually pale face. Jon covered his mouth and choked back a sob as tears welled up in his eyes.

"Sherwin!" Jon pulled him into a hug, their chests together and hearts beating as one.

"What's wrong Jon?" Sherwin asked, concerned. He hugged Jon back.

"You! Sherwin-" Jon pulled away and gestured at him, "-look at yourself!"

"W-What?" Sherwin looked down at his body, feeling exposed and uncomfortable.

"Sherwin this isn't good! You are deathly anorexic!" Jon exclaimed, tears running down his cheek.

"No I'm not!" Sherwin argued, crossing his arms.

"When was the last time you ate Sher'?! When?!" Jon asked, crying tears of frustration now as his hands curled into fists at his side.

Sherwin couldn't come up with an answer so I he ignored it. "Who cares Jon?!" Sherwin clenched his fists too and started to tear up, "Who cares?!-"

"I-" Jon was cut off.

"Nobody Jon!! Nobody!" Sherwin started to shout, putting his shirt on, "As long as I'm skinny, nobody cares! All they did was tease me about being fat and for my sexuality!! I'm done with that Jon!! I-I Just-"

Sherwin faltered, beginning to sob, his . "I-I can't take it a-any more Jon! I can't. . ." he broke down.

Jon brought him into a hug, holding him tight. Sherwin sobbed into his shoulder, sniffling and crying.

Jon cried too, upset that his boyfriend had been doing this too himself. Upset that he had been treated that way. Upset he hadn't talked to him sooner.

Sherwin shook his head, repeating, "I can't, I can't. . ."

"Shhh. Shhh, its okay Sher'" Jon rubbed his back and brought them to the bed. Jon sat down and pulled Sherwin into his lap. Sherwin nuzzled into his shoulder, crying.

Jon held Sherwin's shaking body close, trying to be there for him as best he could. He needed to be. How can you love someone and not be there for them? It was a responsibility they had to each other.

Sherwin was always there to raise his spirits when he was in a low place. Always there to kiss all over his face and singing off key on purpose. Mocking the jerks at school and somehow managing to always do the right thing to get Jon to cheer up. These were some of Jon's favorite moments. Sherwin was truly himself, unfiltered, no one to judge him, no one to worry about, just Sherwin. And it was beautiful.

"J-Jon?" A sniffle and shaky voice floated up to him and Sherwin immediately had his full attention.

" Yes? " he asked maybe a little too worriedly.

"A-Are you breaking u-up wit. . ?" He didn't need too finish the sentence . It was apparent.

Sherwin felt tears fall on his nose as he was looking up at Jon. Jon shook his head and hugged him close.

"Do you hear that Sher'?" Jon sniffles, holding Sherwin firmly.

Sherwin fell silent and he could make out a Heartbeat emitting from Jon. He slowly nodded, looking up at Jon.

Jon smiled through his tears, "My Heart beats for you and it will never stop. So I will never stop loving you."

Sherwin chuckled softly, sniffles and hiccups interrupting. They were still crying but it was not a bad thing.

Jon hugged Sherwin close and kissed his forehead, Sherwin shaking softly as he pressed himself into Jon's arms. Sherwin sniffled and shifted a little as Jon laid on the bed. He pulled Sherwin into him and kissed all over his face. Sherwin laughed softly, playfully turning his head to avoid his wet kisses. Jon chuckled and continued, smiling widely. Sherwin grew tired, giving in and smiling. Jon hugged him close.

"Sleep Sher', you'll feel better," Jon ran his fingers through Sherwin's soft fluffy hair. Sherwin purred and nodded, intertwining one of their hands. He brought it to his mouth. His lips grazed gently over Jon's hand before he placed a kiss on it.

" I love you, " Sherwin said softly, yawning.

"I love you too baby. Forever and always," Jon ran his fingers through Sherwin's hair. Sherwin shivered and cuddles closer, falling asleep. Jon pulled him close and slept too.

۩۞۩ єи∂ ۩۞۩

Word Count: 918

It's a bit spread out but I think it's fine? I don't know you all will have to tell me! This was my first angst writing so tell me how I did! Have a great day, bye!

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