Together at Last (Bonus Edits)

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Sherwin drummed his fingers across the counter, sighing in boredom. He lifted his gaze as the bell on the door rang, signaling someone had left or entered the restaurant.

Seeing a pair of feet, he stood up straight and smiled politely at the young lady who'd entered. Taking her order, he smiled like he was taught.

"Is there anytime else I can get you?" He asked, typing her food order in.

"Your number?" She purred, leaning on the counter. It was now that he took in her ridiculously showing outfit with a crop top and short shorts.

It took everything he could to not gag. He smiled and forced a laugh while shaking his head. She frowned and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. That's all," she snarled.

"Fourteen seventy five," Sherwin said, glancing up at the lady with his plastered smile.

She handed him a twenty and he gave her the change back. She sat down and picked up the phone. Sherwin sighed and dropped his smile. He gave the order to the others in the back and they got to work.

Standing at the register, nobody else entered. They finished her order and Sherwin was the one to bring it too her. He plastered a smile and approached her table.

"Your food ma'am?" Sherwin set her tray down on the table .

"Ma'am?? mA'aM?! Do I look old enough-! I cannot believe you just called me a ma'am!!" She stood up angrily and dumped her soda over Sherwin's clothes, taking her stuff and storming outside. Sherwin stood there, soaking and dripping. He sighed softly. He was on the verge of tears, as he was most days. He bit his lip and walked to the backroom, pulling off his shirt and reaching for an extra. It was big on him, but he tried his best. He was going to smell like Fanta orange until his shift was over.

Sherwin tried to compose himself. Ever since Jon had left for war about two years ago, he'd been left to fend for himself. Sure, the monthly payments from the government were great and all, but Sherwin couldn't live on that money alone. So he got a job. Two jobs. It used too be three until the police intervened and gave him a talk about how those many hours were illegal. Sherwin was on edge constantly. The end of these past two years was the worst. Everyday was absolute shit and he felt like nothing. Without Jon, he was empty. An empty shell of what he used to be.

He imagined Jon's family was worse off. It was their son. Jon hadn't even wanted to deploy at first. The government took every able bodied man available and Jon felt it was his duty. Sherwin knew he was unable too be convinced otherwise so he supported Jon. He made care packages and always wrote to him.

He stepped out of the room and sighed. The thing is that he worked the night shift, so no one ever really came in. Then the news came on.

"Tonight on Channel Five we have more news about the new fights breaking out in Afghanistan," The reporter read as Sherwin took a sharp inhale, "Terrorist groups have been making more attacks on the U.S. Troops. A medical shelter was bombed last night, leaving 26 dead. The Mayor has ordered our flags at half staff tomorrow. . ."

They continued on to some weather, but Sherwin had more pressing matters in his mind. Was Jon in that tent? Could he have died? He began to panic as thoughts swirled in his head, when the bell rang, signalling someone had come in since no one could leave. Sherwin looked up, then down. He sighed softly and pushed the things into the back of his head.

"Welcome to Wendy's. What can I get you?"


"Got family waiting for you?" The driver asked, looking at him through her rearview mirror.

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