Part 9 - Im Twisted!

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🔞- language.

90 days left (Sat)

Flashback: Incoming msg - unknown number
📩 Hi beautiful:)
📩 Hi..
📩 Hello?

😳 beautiful??
Sepa urang sasat pigi message saya ni? Saya gusuk2 mata saya.

✉️ Hi stranger?
📩 Hi.. Ko reply juga..
📩 Hello?
✉️ Sepa ni?
📩 Someone who knows you!
✉️ senang cerita kestau ja sepa ko so im not f*cking annoying dengan message ko!
📩 Chill la.. Hans ni..

(Ouhh you makes your first move... huh! goodluck!)

✉️ Lmao.. haha sia2 kena maki.. sorry dude..
📩 I never thought you so serious..
✉️ Wahaha.. I thought some pervert because called me beautiful suddenly...
📩 You don't know that you beautiful? That's strange..

(Tekena di hati, I never thought of that.. mulut manis ko Hans.)

✉️ Im just a simple girl dude.. tidak la saya perasan saya cantik hahaha..
📩 you should know that you beautiful..really..
✉️ ok2 maybe you should date me then.. (soalan berani mati)
..... few second idle...
(Damn.. Am I got rejected? Turnback Chell before to late!)
✉️ typing.... -hahaha.. hey, Im just kidding la...-
📩 Why not..

Gulp! Tapi saya tetekan sent
✉️ hahaha.. hey, Im just kidding la...
📩 huh.. thats bad.. I thought you be serious about it..
✉️ Im sorry.. I thought friend better than lover? Haha
📩 yeah you right..haha nevermind.. no big deal..

Jantung saya tiba2 berdebar kencang.. almost success first step! but why saya sent lagi message gitu?? Demmit Chell! Main tarik tali lagi ko sana Chell.

89 days left (Sun)

Papa coming home today! Si Ryu pun balik.. ni kali lah, habis saya bawa Ryu bersparing.. Penjaat kan.. sepa suruh kasi biar ja saya di rumah hampir saya mati kelaparan.. kenen..Hahaha..

C Ryu masak makanan tengah hari, saya duduk di atas kaunter ja makan ice cream sambil dengar radio.

"You think.. urmm...Papa gonna marry to aunt Diane ka?"

"Ko rasa?"

"I don't know.. Bukan saya yang bercinta.."

"Me either...but I pretty sure he has new obsession." Si Ryu melirik ke arah saya. Saya kasi muncung mulut ja.

"Isk..." saya cucuk2 tu ice cream dalam2. Malas la saya mau cakap pasal tu..

"Ryu.." bilang saya lagi.

"Hurm?" Si Ryu pusing ambil mangkuk serving untuk mee goreng singapore dia. Dia tinguk saya kijap.

"Ya? Kenapa?"

"Pada pendapat ko la ar... macam mana mau cakap..." saya kaup tu ice cream balik.

"What?" Tanya balik si Ryu.

"Kalo adik ko be-boyfriend-" trus si Ryu tutup gas. Pusing belakang, peluk tubuh tinguk saya..

Gulp! Saya telan tu ice cream saya.. Saya lap mulut guna belakang tangan.. Pura guyang2 tu kaki.. Si Ryu angkat kening dia lagi.. Macam the rock suda..😨

"Whos that guy? Whats his name?? What course he taking? Where did you find him??"

"Aishhhhh....what the he-...why suddenly so many questions?.. "😏

"Mind your words little girl..I ask you Chell..."

"Ughh...Ni la bha malas saya mau bersharing!! Nda sporting betul!!" Saya mencebik bibir.. pura2 suda saya merajuk.

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