Chapter 12

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Connor closed his eyes before aggreing. "Okay, fine, I'll tell you..."

Gavin pointed at a free desk in front of him. "Sit down..."

Connor sat down, facing the detective, with his eyes down.

Gavin was waiting for him to talk.

"Um... So... These dreams were... About you..." Connor first said.

Gavin's eyes widened.

"The first one was... A memory... When I was still an emotionless machine... I needed to locate Jericho by tampering with the evidence in the Evidence locker... While I was about to go there, you stopped me.... And-"
Connor was cut off by Gavin, who was frowning.
"I know... I remember... I'm sorry I was a dick to you. I deserved that beating. Could you tell me about the other dream? Was it a memory too?"

"The other one... No. It was not a memory. I would rather call it a nightmare..." Connor started again.

"A nightmare... About me? Did I do something... Bad?" Gavin asked, lowering his gaze, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Well... You... You... Insulted me a lot... You also told me that we aren't friends, and that I can't think, because... I am... A machine... And then you pulled out your gun and shot me in the head..." the android finished, his stomach aching, cause of remembering that nightmare.

Gavin frowned. "C-Connor... I would never do that to you... It was just a dream, okay? It's going to be okay..."

Connor trusted Gavin.

"So... Have you had any weird dreams?" Connor asked.

Gavin remembered that wet dream he had when he was drunk. "No, I haven't had any recently." he lied.

Connor detected a lie, but decided not to force Gavin into speaking.

They then retalked about the case, and this time, Connor heard everything.

Then they did their normal work.

After the work... Connor and Gavin were allowed to go home sooner, to change their clothes and shit.

Gavin drove Connor to Hank's place and then to his own.

Then later, they both met by that bar...

Connor was with a white button up t-shirt, messy hair and black shorts.

Gavin was with a gray hoodie, with a big hood that can cover his whole forehead and black pants.

"What do we do now, Gavin?" Connor asked, a little excited, but he hid it.

"Can we... Hold hands? This way we will look more like a couple..." Gavin said, slowly reaching his hand out for Connor, who was beside him.

Connor didn't have to be told twice. With no hesitation, he grabbed Gavin's hand, almost aggresively, like a possesive animal.

Then they opened the bar's doors and saw lots of gay couples there. Lesbian, gay... They were having drinks, kissing, talking.

Gavin smiled. It warmed his heart to see, that the people like him are accepted.

He and Connor sat down by a free table.

And they kind of looked at people, to see if there is anything fishy going on. Nothing interesting... For now...

Then they awkwardly looked at each other. "So..." Gavin started, feeling stupid. Then he was interrupted. "Hey! You two!" a girl called behind Gavin. She gestured both of them to come sit down with them.

They did just that. Connor and Gavin sat near each other, with two girls which were probably lesbian.

One of them was a curly haired beautiful blonde with blue eyes.

The other had dark brown straight hair and dark green eyes.

"Hey guys! What's up? I am Jessica, and this is Emily!" the blonde introduced herself and her girlfriend.

"Oh, hey... My name is Gavin, and this is my boyfriend, Connor..." Gavin did the same.

"So... You coming here for the first time?" Emily asked.

"Uh... Yes..." Gavin answered.

"Would you like to order some drinks?" Jessica asked.

"Oh... Um... No, thanks, we just came here to... Hang out..." Gavin tried to think of an excuse.

"Oh... Um... Guys... You know about Red Ice and shit?" Jessica whispered, leaning in closer to Gavin and Connor.

"Oh, yes, Red Ice, what about it?" Gavin asked.

Connor analyzed Jessica and Emily. There were traces of Red Ice on her lips.

"You know... Are you on it? We sell that stuff... It's really cheap..." Emily whispered, pulling out a plastic pack of Red Ice drugs.

"Girls, can we go outside for a while?"
Gavin asked, as Connor reported the nearby officers about the drug sellers.

"Uh... Yeah, sure..." Jessica said cheerfully and all of them walked out of the bar.

Then, unexpectadly, Gavin cuffed Emily and Connor cuffed Jessica.

"What are you doing?!" Emily furiously asked.

"You both are arrested for selling Red Ice." Connor said, pulling out his DPD badge.

"Ugh! Cops!" Jessica screamed.

A few minutes after, Chris and Tina came to pick the girls up.

They also gave those weird looks to Gavin.

Gavin rolled his eyes at Chris in his driver seat, and then he drove off.

"So... It's over, Con. This was kinda easy..." Gavin muttered.

"Yeah..." Connor muttered, as they got into Detective Reed's car.

Before Gavin started the engine, Connor spoke up, after he collected his confidence.

"Uhm... May I... Try something, please?" Connor asked softly, but anxiously at the same time.

Gavin turned his head to him.
"Yeah? I guess..."

Connor got close to Gavin's face, making Gavin's eyes widen.

Connor had an urge to touch Gavin, but he kept his hands on his thighs.

When he got close enough, he closed his eyes and softly pressed his lips to Gavin's.

Gavin... He... He did not kiss back. He just kept still, just like that. Connor quickly pulled away, just to see Gavin with that same expression on his face. Schocked.

Connor looked away from him.

"Maybe he does not like me the same way?" those words made Connor's head ache.

He wanted to curl up in a ball and cry his eyes out.

"I- I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, Detective, I promise it won't happen again, I just... Wanted to try... that..." Connor stuttered.

Gavin felt bad when he was called "Detective" again.

"I-It's okay, Connor, I understand that. I will just drive you home now, M'kay?" Gavin said, starting the car engine.

Emotions (Gavin x Connor)Where stories live. Discover now