Chapter 13

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The car ride was silent. The only noise was the music coming from the car radio in Gavin's car.

Gavin dropped Connor home, they said "goodnight" and he drove off.

Like... Holy fuck. Connor kissed him. And Gavin, being an idiot, he did not kiss back. He just stared at Connors face, dumbfounded.

When Gavin got home, he just plopped onto the sofa after locking the door.

He was mentally telling himself how fucking stupid he was. Maybe Connor did like him after all? Or did he just want to try kissing someone? He didn't fucking know.


Connor got home. Hank was probably sleeping. If Sumo was sleeping, then there was a high chance that Hank was too.

So he locked the door and walked into his room.

He closed the door and just laid on the bed. He felt something watery run down his cheek. Wait, was he crying?

After that, little sobs escaped his lips.
He curled himself up in the bed and just cried silently, trying not to wake Hank up.

"W-why... Why didn't h-he k-kiss back...?" he sobbed to himself, before even thinking.


While playing a game on his PS4, Gavin just fell asleep on his sofa in the middle of the playtrough, getting a game over.


Connor, he cried to himself for a few more minutes before just going to power-saving mode, without even changing his clothes.


It was Wednesday now. An average day of the week.

Connor was not really in the mood to go to work and see Gavin that day, but... He had to go.

When he got there with Hank, Gavin was not there yet.

Connor asked if he could go on a patrol for today. Hank agreed, and both of them got a police car and drove around the city's streets, looking if there isn't any trouble.


Gavin finally got to work. He wasn't late, but still.

He noticed that Connor, nor Hank were there.

There must have been a reason for them not to be here. Maybe they were on a case?

He knocked on Fowler's office door and came in.

"Sorry to disturb, but... Where are Hank and Connor Andersons?" he quickly asked.

"They are patrolling Detroit. Any problems, Detective Reed?" Jeffrey answered.

"Oh... Yeah... No, no problems, boss. Have a nice day." Gavin said and left the office, sitting down at his desk.

It just didn't feel right. Maybe Connor is avoiding him on purpose? Maybe he hated him now, or something? Gavin shook off these thoughts and focused on his work.

Gavin just couldn't help but glance at Connor's desk every two minutes, to see if he's back. He wasn't.

He later went to the breakroom to get a nice hot coffee.

When it was finished, he put a lot of cream in it like always and then sipped it.

Tina then walked over to him.
"Hey, Gayvin! How did it go yesterday? Got anything interesting to tell?" she asked, preparing her coffee.

Gavin sighed. "The case was easier than I thought. We caught the Red Ice sellers in like, a few minutes. Nothing cool."

Tina raised an eyebrow. "And what about Connor? I saw that he asked Fowler to patrol the city..."

So Connor really was avoiding him.

"Connor... He... Please don't tell anyone... He... He... Kissed me." Gavin said.

Tina gasped. "Holy fuck! What did you do?!" she asked, whisper-shouting.

"I... Ugh... I'm such an idiot... I didn't do anything. I did not kiss back." Gavin admitted.

"Oh my god! I will mentally kill you!" Tina whisper - shouted. "You better fucking kiss Connor when you can!"

"We shouldn't rush-"

"Shut up, Gayvin! Just fucking do it!" Tina sweared at him.

"Fine... Jesus Christ... I will do it when I'm ready..." Gavin mumbled, finishing his coffee. Tina finished hers too and threw the cup in the trash can. She gave Gavin that "I'll be watching you" look and walked to her desk.

Gavin chuckled to himself and threw out his coffee cup before going to his desk too.

The whole work day was boring. Tina had lots of paperwork, Chris was on patrol, just like Hank and Connor.

Gavin sighed as he picked up his stuff from the desk and then his jacket.

When he said goodbye to Tina and some other officers, he left DPD.

But... He saw Connor and Hank, walking into the building, to tell Fowler they are done patrolling.

Connor's face was blank. He also looked kinda angry. He did not even say "hello" as he passed by Gavin.

That made him hurt inside.

But Hank at least said "hey, Reed." before entering the Department together with his son.

Gavin frowned as he saw Connor leave him hanging like that.

He entered his car and then drove home.

He cleaned the whole house, staying up late, just out of sadness. He also ate some ramen chicken flavoured noodles and then he went to his room to sleep.

But he couldn't just fall asleep so easily after all the things that happened recently. Shit...

Maybe he should do something about it? Why was he even asking himself that, of course he had to. He had a phcking crush on him!

Gavin kept thinking, rolling around in his bed. Phck it. Once work is over, he's doing it. For real.

Once he calmed down, he closed his eyes and tried getting some sleep.


Connor laid in his bed, not flinching a little. Throught the patrol, Hank kept asking what was wrong, but Connor would just brush it off and focus on the road.

Now he felt guilty for avoiding Gavin. He probably made him really damn worried and sad.

Connor could not blame him for not liking him the same way.

He felt like he should apologize to him tommorow. And everything will be normal then, right?

But... He couldn't just... Stop... Being attracted to Gavin Reed.

Hank told him, "there are plenty of fish in the sea", so... Maybe... If Gavin does not like him... He could find another person to love?

Connor decided it was enough and fell asleep.

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