Chapter 25

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(It's a good thing I'm not evil because I was debating waiting a few days before posting this chapter. Fanart brought to you by donlemefo on Tumblr.)

Gavin fell to a sitting position in front of me, not turning to look at me. "I-I'm fine, " He croaked as he held his hand against his lower chest.

"Oh my god..." I ran to kneel in front of him, not even bothering to acknowledge Matt. He pulled his hand away slightly, and we both looked at the blood that coated his palm and fingers. He finally met my gaze as his face twisted in pain. "Gavin..."

"I just... need to lie down." He gently lowered himself to lay on the floor.

I held my hand under his neck and applied pressure to the gunshot wound with my other hand. "No, no. Gavin. Just keep looking at me, okay?"

He gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut. "Ah, fuck. This hurts like hell."

I felt hot tears start to fill my eyes. "Look at me. Please."

He reached up and touched my hair. "You're so beautiful. I'm... glad I met you."

The tears started to spill over. "Don't talk like that, Gav. You're gonna be okay. I promise. You'll be okay."

He weakly smirked, but his grey eyes still showed that he was in pain. "I hope you're right." He dropped his hand and placed it on top of the one that I held over his wound. "If not, I uh... You know I've been too scared to say this but... I love you."

I let a soft sob escape my lips. "Gavin, I..."

"Please don't cry." He let his eyes close.

"Gav, please. Open your eyes. Look at me. Please."

His face relaxed, but his eyes remained closed.

I moved my hand to cup his cheek. "Gavin? Gav?! Gavin!" My tears fell onto his neck and shirt. I quickly moved my hand back to his wound, the blood staining the side of his face and catching his facial hairs. I moved my head to his chest to listen for his heartbeat. He was still alive, but I wasn't sure for how much longer.

I turned my head to look behind me. In my panic, I hadn't even noticed that Hank and Connor had come in to arrest Matt and free Tina. "Someone call an ambulance!" I ordered.

"They're already on their way!" Hank called back.

I turned my head to look at Gavin again. I listened closely to his breathing in order to assure myself that he was alive. I kept telling myself, He's strong, he'll make it out of this. More sobs took over as I ran my hand through his soft hair and rested my forehead against his collarbone.

After what felt like an eternity, I heard some rushed yelling and turned to see the paramedics running in. They ushered me out of the way and put Gavin on the gurney. I quickly followed behind them as they rushed out of the building. They began to load the gurney into the back of the ambulance. "Please let me come. I need to be with him."

"Fine, but we need to get him to the hospital as quickly as possible."

I nodded and quickly got into the back as the paramedic closed the doors. I sat quietly and watched as the paramedics tended to Gavin's wound as much as they could. I wanted to ask so many questions, but I didn't want to disturb their focus.

We got to the hospital in just a matter of minutes, and they rushed Gavin into surgery. I sat in the waiting room with my feet in the chair and my knees hugged to my chest, impatiently waiting for a doctor to come out and assure me that he would be fine... or to tell me that he was gone. I felt more tears stream down my cheeks at the thought, and I buried my face in between my knees.

Broken || Gavin Reed x Fem!Reader || D:BHWhere stories live. Discover now