Nomin (pt 2) TW

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"We will have a moment of silence of the two deaths that happened a few days ago." The loud speaker in Neo School was loud enough for people to hear when they are outside.

Jaemin and Jeno skipped 1st period to have breakfast together. They had no idea that their two friends had died. The announcements happen before the bell annocing that first period is over. The two boys got off Jenos car, during the announcements.

"Y/n L/n died of suicide and Kim Yeseul died of drug overdose. These two girls were perfect in school. Yeseul was very social, everyone loved her. Y/n wasnt as social as her best friend but the teachers loved her. Remember, if you have an addiction or are struggling please dont hesitate to talk to guidance, a teacher, or your friend. That is it for todays announcement. Have a good day."

Jaemin looked at Jeno. "They what?!" Jaemin yelled. "Do you want to go home?" Jeno said. "N-no, i want to go to y/n house." Jaemin answered. "Ok, tell me where to go." Jeno said going back to the car.

They reached to y/n house. Jaemin got out as soon as the car stopped. He ran to the front door and knocked hard. "Coming!" Yelled a girl — who sounded his age. "Hi, who are you?" She said smiling. "Where is mr and mrs l/n?" He said angrily. "They are upstairs. What do you want from them?" She asked cheerfully. Jaemin slightly pushed her and entered the house.

Jeno on the other hand was taking his time. He got to the door when Jaemin pushed the girl. "Im sorry." Jeno said. "Its fine. Im Haseul." The girl said smiling at Jeno and blushing. "We should go stop him." Jeno said running upstairs. Haseul followed him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys?! You left your daughter to fucking kill herself! Don't you—" Jaemin gets interrupted. "Jaemin! Stop... it isnt their fault." Jeno said hugging his boyfriend. "It is their fault. You werent friends with y/n, she told me everything her father did to her. She told me everything she struggled with because her parents wouldnt help her when she spoke to them about it. She told me everything she did at school... but one day it stopped. The day you guys became partners... she started liking you. Its my fault too... where is her room?" Jaemin asked. Y/n mom took him to y/n old room. There he saw the camera y/n recorded in.

"Rolling now. Im dumb, yes i know. Today is Saturday! Today... has been a day. My friend, as you can see is passed out there, took me to a party. I saw my crush and my bestfriend. I tried flirting with my crush... but he told me he was dating my bestfriend. They walked away... it made me feel worthless. Luckily the girl behind me came up to me and gave me something to calm myself with. She ended up passing out on my bed, while im talking about how my day went. I should pass out too. I'll do it after saying this. Jaemin, Jeno, and Yeseul... thanks for being my friends. Well Jeno... you werent my friend but thanks for being the best partner i ever had. I love you three... and goodbye. Ugh, im so tired..."

The video cuts off and then starts playing again.

"At least she has someone that loves her. *silence* Yeseul, wake up. *silence* Fuck! Yeseul! *silence* Wake up! Please! *yeseul* I know its a prank! Yeseul! Please! I dont want to lose you too!"

The video gets caught off again. Then starts playing again.

"Im so fucking worthless! Why am i such a bad person?! A bad friend?! Why does no one like me?! Everyone fucking hates me! I hate my life! *silence* goodbye."

The video continues playing. One hour of footage passed and it stopped recording. Jaemin was in tears seeing how his two bestfriends died. "Jae-" Jeno gets interrupted. "I killed her..." Jaemin mummbled. "I killed her. I fucking killed her! I killed my bestfriend!" Jaemin said getting louder. "Y-you didnt. No one killed her. Her own thoughts and emotions killed her. It isnt your fault." Jeno stuttered. Jaemin then left the house not forgetting to say "Fuck you!" At y/n parents.

"Sorry about him. He is having a hard time with your daughters death." Jeno apologized. "Hey, Jeno. Do you probably want to go out for dinner?" Haeseul asked, playjng with her hair. "I have a boyfriend." He said then leaving her.

"Do you want ice cream?" Jeno asked. "Yes please. You know which one righ?" Jaemin said with a pout. "Yes. Kiss first." Jeno said pointing to his lips. Jaemin didnt hesitate to kiss his lover.

Im sorry i wasnt there for you when i knew you were struggling. Im sorry i walked away from you when i knew telling you my relationship with your crush will hurt your heart. I hope you are in a better place. I love you y/n.

Day 4 hehe, how was everyone holiday?? Damn 2019 is almost near and 2018 is almost over. What was your favorite part of 2018? Mine was going to the bts citi field concert with my friend lmao.

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