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-Nero POV-

Hello, my name is Nero. Im a girl who is only 4'9 and weighs 89 lbs — really unhealthy right, but my body looks like a normal body type, or at least i think so. And its really strange for my age — 16. I have pink hair which is above shoulder length — yet complements my face shape. I wear glasses — which always falls off my face. Most girls — and boys — find me strange, weird, creepy, and ugly. But what can i do? This is me. Instead of the skirt uniform, they allowed me to wear pants for the uniform. Which my parents asked for. My makeup is very different and intense than most people in school. My brows are arched — unlike the common straight eyebrows. Usually when people from school see me outside of school they would point fingers and whisper amomgst themselves. I would have earbuds on — blasting some Sleeping With Sirens so I
wouldn't know what they are talking about. My usual type of clothing is skinny ripped jeans and big sweatshirt — typical right?

Anyway enough about me, there is this new kid i think his name was like Jisung or something and he was really tall and yet look really slim. His hair was a blonde color and he was really awkward. The girls — obviously — whispered amongst themselves saying how he is "hot" or "cute" but in my point of view is he just a normal looking boy — Someone else who will bully me.

-few months-

Its been like 9 months or something and the Jisung dude sits next to me. He tries to make converstaion with me but it ends up to someone saying "That weird bitch never opens her mouth so leave her alone." I see the visible disappointment on his face. I ripped a small piece of paper and wrote on it.

-Jisung POV-

I looked at my desk and saw slender small fingers push a note near my math textbook. I look at the owner of the hand and it was that weird girl Nero who ive been trying to befriend.

Sorry i can't talk to you, dont try talking to me ever again. And dont try to befriend me because you will be put in danger. Leave me alone.


I furrowed my eyebrows at the note and looked at her — she was drawing something. She seemed focused on it — since everytime she focuses, she sticks out her tongue. Yup ive been watching her all school year. I didnt think i was gonna like her — but i think i fell for the weird girl. I looked at what she was doing and she was drawing a skull with a few writings around it. I saw a few student names in the eye holes — but thats all i saw.

"Are you coming with us?" Jaemin asked me. I shook my head "Have to head home early." I answered. "Alright bye." The boys i hang with left. I looked around and saw her — Nero.

-3rd POV-

The boy ran up to her and walked next her. He was listing to the music she was blaring. Car Radio - Twenty One Pilot. He remembered the name. She once wrote about it on her notebook — which he looked through when she was gone. He knew things no one else knew. Like how depressed she was, or how she thinks her being thin was an ok thing — but she just had eating problems. He knew a lot of things. He took off her earbud and said a happy "Hello!" She looked up at him and put her volume down. "Sorry, was i bothering you?" He asked. She stayed still — not answering him. She pushed her glasses up to make sure she isnt seeing things. Ive seen this dude many times, but i didnt notice how cute he actually was. She thought looking at him. "Youre doing the cute thing with your tongue again." He said smiling. She didnt understand what he said but yet kept looking at him. "What are you focused on? Do i have something on my face?" He asked pouting. She stopped her thoughts and looked down. "Sorry." She said and walked away. "Wait!" Jisung yelled — she fastened her pace. She heard Jisung footsteps behind her. "Nero!" He yelled making her stop. Everyone wad gone except them two. "I told you to leave me alone." She whispered. "I cant." He mumbled. "But you have to. I dont want to hurt you." She said looking down. "You trying to stay away from me is hurting." He said. She looked up at him and narrowed her eyes. "You never talked to me nor know me, im not staying away from you. Im simply making you live a better life. You should thank me." She said angirly. "Its not- you making my life better is actually not making it better." He said. "Why?" She asked having an 'i dont care' look on her face. "Be-because i like you!" Jisung suddenly yelled making the girl jump. "Y-you dont." She stuttered. "Stop thinking such things. This is a waste of my time. Goodbye Jisung." She said walking away. "Wait! Nero!" He yelled chasing her. She put her earbud back in and blasted her music. He knew that was time for him to head back home.

-next day-

"Hey Nero." Jisung said walking up to her again after school. She looked up at him and played a random song — walking away. He sighed and took her earbuds out. "Hey Nero. You want to go eat something? Im pretty sure there is good food place somewhere near you-" he gets interrupted by the girl. "What dont you understand about leaving me alone?" She asked in a low tone. "Everything. How can i leave someone i like alone?" Jisung asked emphasizing the word like. She sighed and gave up. "Fine, where do you wanna go?" She asked. He smiled brightly. "Thats a surprise." He said smiling.

"Are you ok?" He asked the girl once she kept stopping every second while placing her hand on her chest. She looked at him and shook her head. "Get on my back." He said bending down. The girl did as told and Jisung ran, ran as fast as he can to the hospital.

"Nero." A nurse said. Jisung got up and walked to the nurse. "Follow me." She said.

"Do you know if she ate before coming here?" The nurse asked. "I-Im not sure. But we were going to go eat before coming. A-and i know she hasnt been eating well that she has an eating disorder or something. And that she has de-depression." The boy spilled everything he knew. "Its ok. We talked to her about all that. Thank you for being honest though. This is her room." The nurse said. Jisung entered the room and saw the girl looking down at her phone with hospital clothes on — clearly showing her scars and a few bruises. He sighed and walked over to her. "Dont cut... please." He said looking at her. She looked up at him and gave him a small smile. "Thank you." She whispered. "Thank you for pratically sending me to hell." She said putting her normal bitch face on. And for a second Jisung thought she was for once being nice. But he was obviously wrong. "Im sorry. I didnt want to lose you." He admitted. "You wouldnt. It happens a lot. Except, ive stopped coming here. But now because you took me here im gonna know the day i d-" she stops talking realizing she is going to spill a lot. "Date me. I know the day you'll die is probably gonna be soon. Ill make these few months or days or whatever special. Just for you to enjoy your life." Jisung said. "This is why i told you to stay far away from me. You are gonna get tooo close to me and then you'll get depressed when i die. Im not gonna date you. Im fine with the life i have now. I rather be alone and have no one in my life than have someone depressed because of me. So for the last time leave me alone. You wont see me in school anymore — they are keeping me untill i die. So Jisung i recommend you leave right now." She said looking into his eyes — tears visibly coming out of her eyes. He wiped her tear away while she eyed his hand. Thats when she knew she cant stop hiding the fact that he was special to her. "I-im sorry." She whispered. "I like you too but i dont want to hurt you. Just pretend i was never in your life. Please leave now." She said. Jisung didnt say a word except watched her cry. He knew it was his fault for making her catch feelings. If he knew better he wouldnt have gotten close — knowing her condition.

"Ill die with you." He finally said. She looked up at him in surprise. "N-no. You deserve to live. You have a future. You were put here to make the world-" she gets interrupted by him. "I was put here to be with you. When i find out the day and time you die, im gonna die too. We will be together once again." He said.

Jisung Park
Death day: October 24, 2018
Time: 12:45 AM
Reason: suicide

Death day: October 24, 2018
Time: 12:45 AM
Reason: unkown, depression + eating disorder maybe?

Requested, probably isnt close to what they wanted but oops- um im listening to YH boys while writing the ending which is funny bc their songs are happy and shit and then it suddenly became depressing because of what i wrote. Oh well: I O I I CAN DO IT *sings along with yhboys* also i didnt edit this as i mentioned before i wont edit much since i dont want to spedn a lot of time on these request since i do have a lot of requests at the moment.

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