Chapter 17

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"Why are you taking me" you ask the police man sitting while quietly sobbing in the back of the car.

"Your mom is not good for you, I'm taking you to your dad so you can have a house and food" the police officer simply says.

"No, my dad is a bad man! He's the one that kissed another girl!" You say and more tears came down. "I want my mom back, you can't do this"

"You can meet your mom here and there. Just ask your dad"

"I wanna live with my mom, not with a woman I don't know"

"Well that woman has a daughter that's your age" the officer says and you listen closely. "Her father left them, so if your father marries that woman, you'll be step sisters"

You always wanted a sister.

"And she's having a baby soon, so make that two sisters" the officer continues.

You stay silent, not knowing what to say to this. Two sisters? At least you'll have someone your age.

After a while of driving, you arrive at your father's house. It wasn't big, it wasn't small. It was a normal one story house. But it wasn't your old house.

"Welcome to your new home" the officer comes out the car and opens the door for you. You climb out and look at him.

"I don't wanna go in" you say and he just smiles.

"Everything will be alright. Nothing bad is gonna happen" he says

You wished that was true, but it wasn't.

He leads you to the front door. He rings the doorbell and you both simply wait for someone to open the door.

After a while of waiting, you hear footsteps inside the house coming towards the door.

"Hello-" Your dad freezes. "Y/n!" he bends to reach your level and gives you a hug. You don't hug back. You were angry and disgusted.

Your dad notices you not hugging him back and he lets you go. He looks at you, but you don't look at him. You are disgusted by him and just want to go back to your mom.

"Thank you" your dad says to the police man and he takes his leave.

Your dad brings you in the house and you take off your shoes, not wanting to look or even talk to him.

"Don't be like this. We both know what's better for you" your dad says. "You'll have a house, food, water, a sister-"

"I don't want any of those. All I want is our family. Our happy family." You say and tears start to form in your eyes.

You walk towards the couch that you spotted and sat down.

"You must be y/n" a lady suddenly enters the living room where you are. You look up at the lady and you instantly feel anger.

This was the lady that made everything happen. The lady who took your happy life away. You look at her stomach and see the big bump.

You ignore her.

"That's not very nice" your dad says.

"It wasn't nice when you cheated" you say and your dad had a enough.

"Y/n, follow me." You dad says in a angry way. He curls his fists into balls.

"No" is all you said and you cross your arms. 

"I said come-"

"Mom, who's this?" A girl your age comes in the living room holding a doll.

"This is your future sister" the lady says and you roll your eyes.

"She looks ugly" she says with a disgusted face and fakes to puke. "And she smells" she covers her nose.

"Wendy" your dad starts. "That's not nice to say to your new sister. Apologize now" your dad says.

Wendy rolls her eyes and walks back to her room and you scoff. You thought she would understand you, but she's a big brat.

"Y/n" your dad sits next to you. "Please just listen to me. I'm sorry for everything that I've done to you and your mother, but I only did this because I love you."

"If you loved me, you shouldn't have cheated on mommy! If you loved me, you should've came back right when mom pushed you out! If you loved me, you would let me be with mommy if you want what's best for me" you yell. "So please, bring me back to her" you plead.

"I can't" Your dad says angrily. "Even if you beg, you're not going back to her."

You've had enough. You ran to the front door to escape and ran away as far as you can. Your dad instantly follows you and easily catches up to you. He grabs your arm and made you turn towards him.

"Let me go!" You push him as hard as you can he fell down and slid against the concrete. You gasp but kept in running for your dear life.


It was now dark and you walking and finding your way back to your mom. You hug yourself while walking since it was a little chilly out.

You find your tent where you and your mom stayed in and instantly ran towards it. It was so close, but you were to late. You pause as you see two men opening your mom's tent with knives.

After a while of comprehending what was happening, you run as fast as you can towards the tent.

But it was to late.

You hear a horrid scream and you pause again. Tears start to form. Everything was in slow motion, and you can swear you heard your heart beating.

It seemed like a movie to you. But I wasn't. It's all real.

You run towards the tent and finally reached it. You see the two Med gathering the stuff in the tent and about to leave before you grabbed one of their arms and swung them into a wall. You grab the other one and did the same thing.

You look at your mom lifeless on the floor, bleeding.

"Mom!" You yell but her eyes were kept shut, no sign of breathing.

You spot her phone on the ground and you quickly grab it to dial 911.

"Please wake up"


The next chapter will be the last chapter about her past.

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