Chapter 23

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"Scoot over" you push Jungkook to give yourself more room since he took up all the space on the couch. Jungkook moves and you sit down next to him.

It was quiet for a while so you look at Jungkook who was looking down at his feet. He wasn't saying anything and you can hear his breathing.

"Y/n" he says and you jump. He looks at you in the eyes as if he was searching for something in them.

"Yes?" You respond and you start to get uncomfortable from the intense stare he was giving you.

"How was your date with Jimin?" He suddenly asks.

"It was super fun!" You smile widely. "We went to the beach and went jet skiing. It was Something I've never done before" you say.

He keeps looking at you and you start to play with your fingers.

In jungkook's eyes, he could see that you were developing feelings for Jimin. The way you talked about the date with him, it somehow brightened up your eyes. You looked like you were in love.

You wave your hands in front of his eyes while he was zoned out. He  finally snaps back to reality and looks at you again.

"Are you okay Jungkook?" You knit your eyebrows together. "You look a little red, are you sick?" You put your hand on his forehead and it was indeed warm.

Jungkook's heart skips a beat.

"You're hot" you say.

"W-what?" Jungkook takes It the wrong way.

"I mean your forehead is hot." You chuckle. "Are you feeling ok?" You ask.

"I guess my throat hurts a little." He says and you stand up.

"I'm going to get you some hot water. Stay here okay?" He simply nods and you quickly walk over to the kitchen.

Jungkook sighs and slumps his body on the couch while he runs his hands through his hair.

"What is going on with me" jungkook says out loud.

"I don't know. What is wrong with you?" Someone says behind Jungkook and he jumps.

He looks behind himself and spots Jimin with a black tee and some sweatpants on with his hands inside his pockets. Jungkook's eyes widen and was stuck on his words.

"Are you ok Jungkook? You kinda look like you saw a ghost." Jimin chuckles and takes a seat next to Jungkook.

"Jimin I have something to confess to you" Jungkook says while looking at him.

"I think I have an idea about what you're gonna confess" Jimin says.

"I like y/n-"

"Here's you're hot water Jungkook" you announce while walking back to the couch.

You handed him the hot water and sit next to Jimin. Jimin had his hair all wet and the shampoo he used smelled great. Not to mention how he looks with those sweatpants on.

You swore you were gonna drool while you were zoning out on Jimin's beauty until Jimin moves and stands up.

"I'm going to go to sleep" he stretches which makes you get a small peek of his abs when his shirt lifted. Jimin catches you staring and licking your lips so he chuckles and pulls down his shirt. "Perv"

"Am not! There was something on your stomach and it bothered me" you complain like a child.

"Oh really? Let me see" he pulls up his shirt and you instantly close your eyes.

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