Chapter 22

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"Eomma~ I'm home!", Hana said as she closed the front door.

"Oh, I thought you were going to be at Somi's house.", Hana's mom was surprised as Hana kissed her on the cheek.

"I told her that I would be back at her house on Friday, if you approve.", Hana said.

"Of course I will approve. She's your childhood best friend. Until when would you like to stay there?", Mrs. Kim asked.

"Probably until Wednesday?", Hana asked as she looked at her mom and looking if she would approve. Mrs. Kim nodded her head in approval.

"I really don't mind how long you want to be there. I know you're safe with her, and her brother! Of course, Jungkook! He's so strong, he's a good match for you! He's also really funny. You two should be a thing!", Mrs. Kim exclaimed.

Hana laughed. "Eomma! We're not a good match. I'm sure he knows that I don't love him more than a friend. I love him as a brother.", Hana said as she laughed.

"I know, honey. I almost forgot! Have you eaten?", Mrs. Kim asked. "Ne, eomma!", Hana responded. Mrs. Kim smiled.

"How was your first day?", Mrs. Kim asked. "It was alright. I have some interesting classmates.", Hana said. "Can you tell me some of their names?", Mrs. Kim asked.

"Oh no. I didn't see this coming. I thought she would just ask like how my subjects are. How do I say this? Should I say that Jimin's my classmate? How would she react though?", Hana thought.

"Hana, are you listening to me?", Mrs. Kim asked. Hana looked up at her and smiled. "Sorry eomma, I just remembered that I have some homework to do.", Hana said.

"Will she sense that it's a lie? I hope she doesn't question having homework on the first day.", Hana thought.

"Homework? Oh, I forgot, you're in senior high school now. You must go up now! Ppali, ppali!", Mrs. Kim said as she pushed Hana up the stairs. "Good night eomma!", Hana said.

Mrs. Kim must have not heard her since she didn't respond. Hana went to her bedroom and headed for the bathroom.

She took a bath and put on her bathrobe. She sat on her bed and picked her phone up which had been beeping nonstop since she left the bathroom.

•T E X T M E S S A G E•
Hey Hana!
Who on earth are you and why do you have my number?
It's your best friend's brother here
Why do you have my number though?
My sis gave me your number since I asked for it. This way, I can arrange hangouts with you so that I can tell you more about Chaeyoung and Nayeon
We should really have code names for the both of them
Nah...We'll just call them C and N
We can meet up tomorrow right?
Sure. By the way, tell Somi that I'll be at your house on Friday
Oh uhm...I guess she didn't tell you or she forgot that we have a party to attend on that day.
Oh so.....uhm
My friends will be here so it's okay if you'll be here on Friday. Are you okay with that?
Well...I'm really not close with any of your friends, so won't it be kinda awkward if I stay with them?
I'll introduce you to them tomorrow while we're having our chat. I hope you don't mind the fact that Jimin will be there since he's one of my friends
Oh's okay. I'll be fine with him there. Wait a do you even know about our relationship?
He told me. I figured that you were the same girl he was talking about. So are you sure you won't have a fit tomorrow if you see him?
Nah, I'll be alright
I have something to do so I guess I have to say bye now
Oh okay. Bye!

"I guess I'll be seeing him tomorrow. Well, that's gonna be how it will be for the whole school year. I'm not that bothered though.", Hana thought before she fell asleep.

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