Chapter 23

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Jimin entered his dorm and found his dog sleeping on the couch.

He smiled and picked up the dog and brought it to its own bed.

He headed for the bathroom and washed himself.

He lived alone in the dorm since his parents' house was quite far from the school.

He would visit his parents every weekend and slept there.

He often felt lonely in the dorm, but he got a dog for his birthday. He named the dog, Mochi.

He left the bathroom with only a pair of jeans on. He was pretty much shirtless.

Just then, his phone kept beeping. He checked his phone and found Chaeyoung texting him.

"Ughh...Is this gonna be how it is while I'm dating her? I won't stand this. I guess I'll have to deal with it since she'll be my girlfriend for...How long?", Jimin thought as he looked at all her texts.

•T E X T M E S S A G E•
Jimin oppa~ How are you?
Are you home already?
Can we hang out again tomorrow?

"Man, this is annoying. I guess I'll just ignore all of it. She annoys me. Oh Kookie texted me. Maybe, I should check his messages out. His messages are more important than this girl's", Jimin thought and checked out Jungkook's messages.

•T E X T M E S S A G E•
I need to tell you something
Do you have plans after classes?
No. Chaeyoung wanted to have a hangout, but I don't wanna go
Hahaha. Is it okay if I introduce you guys to Hana?
Sure, but I'm sure she knows me already
True. Are you okay with her?
Yeah, I'm fine. I guess. I don't know if she's okay with me though
I texted her. She said she's fine
Oh okay then. I'll see you tomorrow
Bye, see ya!

"So she's fine with me now. I guess I shouldn't bring up the fact that Chaeyoung's my girlfriend. What if she asks though? Should I lie? Why am I even worrying?

She hates me. She's not going to even bother with my life. I'm pretty sure all she's gonna say to me is 'Hello', 'How are you?', and 'Goodbye'.", Jimin thought. He put his phone down and fell asleep.

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