Chapter 26

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"I still can't believe you were able to wake him up without him swearing at you!", Taehyung said in excitement while walking towards the park.

Hana smiled as she shrugged. Taehyung looked at Suga's face and saw that he was blushing. Taehyung chuckled.

"Guess what, Suga's blushing because of you.", Taehyung said while laughing. Hana looked back and saw Suga hurry in front. She laughed and smiled.

"Hyung Don't go so fast!", Jimin said, trying to keep up with Suga. "It's not my fault, your legs are short.", Suga said.

Everyone laughed. "Hyung~ You're only 1 centimeter taller than me.", Jimin whined as he pouted. "Swag", Suga said.

The boys sat on the benches and Hana was left trying to choose where she should sit.

"Hana~ Sit beside me.", Taehyung said. "No, it's okay. You're kinda squished there. I'll just sit beside Jimin oppa.", Hana said as she sat down next to Jimin.

"Oh gosh...please don't sit next to're too pretty...I'll start blushing like crazy.......Hana sat next to me. Hana sat next to me. She chose me over Taehyung. Ha! I guess she's okay with me. I guess she still likes me? I don't know. I really wanna know though.(A/N I wanna know, know, know, know what is love?) Shoot...I have butterflies in my stomach again. Do I still love her?", Jimin thought.

"So, what should we start with?", RM asked. "What do you mean hyung?", J-Hope asked. "He means what topic should we talk about first?", Jin explained.

"I don't know. I can't remember what we were supposed to be talking about.", Jungkook said, trying to figure out what he had planned before.

"Oh! I remember you told me before. You said you wanted us to introduce ourselves so that on Friday night we wouldn't be awkward.", Suga said. The boys nodded in agreement.

"But all of you already introduced yourselves to me.", Hana said. "No, that's just the normal introduction. We want you to know us more so that it would really mean we are friends.", Jimin explained. Hana smiled.

"Let's start with the eldest!", J-Hope said. Jin smiled enthusiastically.

"I'm Jin. You can call me oppa or eomma. I love cooking and on Friday I'll be cooking for you.", Jin said with a smile.

"I'm Suga. You already know me but please don't wake me up. I'm still embarrassed from a while ago.", Suga said without looking at Hana.

"I'm your hope, I'm your angel, J-Hope. Call me Hobi oppa. I'm your sunshine.", J-Hope said and smiled at Hana. She laughed.

"I'm RM. Call me Monie oppa. I don't like seafood, I love MEAT.", RM said. Hana laughed again.

"I'm sure you know me already. I'm Jimin. Call me Jiminie oppa.", Jimin said. Hana smiled when he said Jiminie oppa. She used to call him that.

"I'm your friend, Taehyung. Call me Tae Tae. Don't use oppa please. I have a weird personality. I love ice cream.", Taehyung said in a cute voice.

"I'm Jungkook. You know me too. Call me Kookie or JK. DON'T CALL ME OPPA!", Jungkook said. Hana laughed.

"I just remembered something.", Taehyung said. "What is it?", Jin asked.

"Jimin promised that he would buy us ice cream.", Taehyung pouted at Jimin. Jimin stares at him and laughed. "You still remember?", Jimin asked while laughing.

"Of course. It's ice cream!", Taehyung exclaimed. Hana laughed at Taehyung's cuteness.

"There's an ice cream place nearby. They have the best ice cream.", Jungkook said. "We can probably go there. Hana, do you want ice cream?", Jin asked. "No, I'm fine. (A/N I'm feeling just fine, fine, fine...)", Hana answered.

"See, this is why you're thin. You have to eat and appreciate good food, even the unhealthy ones.", Jin scolded.

Hana shook her head. She finally understood why he is called 'the eomma of the group'. "Fine. I'll get ice cream, but I'm paying.", Hana said.

"No. I'm paying. I promised my hyungs. I can pay for yours too.", Jimin said and stood up. Jungkook pulled Jimin and walked away. Hana was confused but just laughed it off.

"Let's go to the car, Hana!", Taehyung said, clinging to her arm again. Hana laughed and walked towards the car.

Suga and J-Hope sat at the back while Taehyung, Hana, RM, and Jin sat together in the middle row. Jimin and Jungkook sat in the front row. Jungkook drove to the ice cream place and they exited the car.

They went inside and found dozens of choices for ice cream. They finally saw why it is one of the best places for ice cream.

"Whoa", Taehyung said in amazement. Jin chuckled. Taehyung was so so cute whenever he found lots of choices for ice cream.

"How do we order?", Suga asked. "We have to sit down, then we can order. The choices of ice cream are in the menu. You can go to the lady over there if you want to taste the flavors. There are also different desserts here.", Jungkook explained.

"Why do you know this place well?", RM asked. "I always come here. I have a sweet tooth.", Jungkook answered.

Hana laughed as she remembered the time when Somi and her were still kids. Jungkook always ate sweets and used to be kinda chubby.

They all sat down. Taehyung and Jungkook ordered Ferrero Rocher flavored ice cream. Suga and Jin ordered coffee ice cream.

J-Hope and RM ordered Nutella and peanut butter flavored ice cream. Jimin and Hana ordered cookie dough ice cream. Jimin also ordered tiramisu.

"Why'd you still order tiramisu?", Jin asked. "Hana loves tiramisu.", Jimin answered. Hana blushed, her ex-boyfriend still knew her favorites.

"You like tiramisu?", Jungkook asked. "Yes.", Hana answered. "I guess that's why Somi always makes tiramisu when you come over.", Jungkook said. Hana laughed.

"Jungkook, do you have the ingredients for tiramisu?", Jin asked. "Yeah. Why?", Jungkook asked. "I'm gonna make tiramisu for Hana on Friday.", Jin answered.

"You don't have to do that.", Hana said. "You need some fat. You won't be able to survive during the winter.", Jin said.

Hana smiled, she finally knew why Chowon would fall for Jin. He was so caring and kind, and he's really handsome.

Their ice cream was given by the waitress and they ate it quickly. "Jungkookie~ Can you bring me here everyday?", Taehyung asked as he finished his ice cream. Jungkook laughed.

"Sure, hyung, you can always try the other desserts and flavors of ice cream here.", Jungkook answered. Taehyung smiled.

The tiramisu finally arrived. Hana looked so excited that the boys laughed at her. "Do you guys want some?", Hana asked.

The boys shook their heads. "That's for you only.", Jimin said. Hana blushed.

Jungkook looked at her blush and laughed. Jimin looked at him in a confused look and Jungkook just turned away.

Hana finished her tiramisu and her phone suddenly rang. She picked it up and found out it was Chowon.

"Hi Chowon!", Hana said and Jin's eyes widened. "Hana, can you help me pick an outfit?", Chowon said through the phone. "Why?", Hana asked with a laugh.

"Am I on speaker?", Chowon asked. "No", Hana answered. "I'm meeting up with Jin after your hangout.", Chowon informed her. "I'll be there in 5 minutes.", Hana answered. She hung up.

"I'm sorry I have an urgent meeting with Chowon.", Hana said. "Oh okay. I can drive you there.", Jungkook said. "No. It's fine. I can run there. It's quite near.", Hana said.

She stood up and quickly went to the counter and paid the bill without the boys knowing. She ran to Chowon's house.

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