(EPILOGUE)Chapter 48

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"YAH KIM HANA WAKE UP!", Chowon and Somi screamed at Hana. They were in her bedroom.

"Mhhhmmm...I'm still sleepy. Let me sleep for 5 more minutes.", Hana complained as she pulled her blanket closer to her.

"You said that twice and we already agreed. Auntie told us you're going to be late if you're still sleeping.", Chowon said. Hana groaned.

"Come one Hana! This is once in a lifetime opportunity to be married to a handsome and sexy man.", Somi said. Hana started giggling.

"Oh look who's imagining his sexiness.", Chowon commented. Hana got up immediately to take a shower.

"We'll be downstairs if you need us.", Somi said as she and Chowon left the room.

Hana took a shower and wore a robe. She opened her closet and found her white wedding dress.

She smiled at the thought of getting married to Jimin. She closed the closet and brushed her teeth. She went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Oh my, I might cry just seeing you walk down the stairs with your wedding dress.", Mrs. Kim said as Hana walked down the stairs. Hana laughed.

"I think you just might cry right now.", Hana said. "True. Here, have some bacon and eggs.", Mrs. Kim gave her a plate with food. "Thank you~", Hana said and started eating.

"I'm doing your makeup today.", Chowon said. "And I'm doing your hair.", Somi said. Hana nodded, she was busy eating.

She drank some water and headed back upstairs with her friends. She brushed her teeth.

"Okay, Hana it's just 7:00 AM. We're going to finish at 9:00 AM. Anyway, the wedding will be at 12:00 PM.", Chowon said.

"You woke me up too early. I'm gonna have eye bags.", Hana whined.

"It's your fault you slept late.", Somi said. Hana smiled.

"Okay let's start..."

2 Hours Later...
"Done!", Chowon and Somi exclaimed. Hana looked at herself in the mirror.

It was exactly how she wanted herself to look like.

She didn't have too much makeup. She still looked like herself.

She smiled and tried to imagine what Jimin would look like.

Jimin POV
"PARK JIMIN!", muffled Jin screamed from downstairs. "Hyung he's gonna be awakened.", muffled RM said.

"I don't care. He needs to be early for his wedding.", muffled Jin said. Jimin groaned at the noise.

"PARK JIMIN WAKE U—Oh you're already awake.", Jin said as he opened the door.

"Noisy. Noisy.", Jimin muttered. "Okay, even if I didn't understand a word you said, TAKE A BATH FOR YOUR WEDDING!", Jin suddenly screamed.

Jimin flinched at the sudden scream. He headed to the bathroom and took a shower. He put on a button down shirt with pants.

"Where are you going? You have a wedding to attend not a hangout.", Jin asked suddenly. "I just need something that has buttons.", Jimin explained.

"Okay, okay. Jimin go down, you need to eat.", Suga said, he entered the room so subtly that the two flinched.

"Gosh. Yes hyung.", Jimin answered. He went downstairs. "Here's the man of the day!", J-Hope explained. Jimin smirked.

"Okay, stop bragging.", Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Well, not my fault that I get to be the first one to get married.", Jimin bragged.

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