Chapter 44

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The Next Day...
"Noona~", Jungkook called out. "Jungkook, will you stop annoying me?!", Somi exclaimed.

Jungkook smiled at his sister's hot-tempered attitude.

"You should get ready. The boys are coming over.", Jungkook said. "Yeah, yeah I know.", Somi replied.

"Chowon's coming too. I invited her.", Jungkook said, trying to lift her spirit. "How did you even invite her? You don't have your number.", Somi said.

"I stole your phone yesterday and got her number.", Jungkook smirked. "How dare you?! What else did you do?!", Somi asked. "That's all.", Jungkook replied.

Somi glared at him and got ready. The moment she came down come from the staircase, the boys and Chowon were entering the door.

"Jungkookie oppa, I can't understand how you can invite your best friend after what her did to your 'sister'.", Chowon said.

"Well he can tell you what happened. Noona please don't murder him while he's talking.", Jungkook said as he saw Somi giving death stares to Jimin.

He smiled at Jungkook. Jimin explained everything that happened again. Chowon and Somi finally understood and quickly forgave Jimin.

"I think you should ask for forgiveness from Hana.", Somi said. "That's exactly why we are all here.", RM said.

"What can I do though? She already knows I'm such a loser.", Jimin doubted himself. "Exactly. Make it up to her.", Suga said.

"So you're not denying the fact that I'm a loser?", Jimin asked. The boys shook their heads. Chowon and Somi laughed.

"She already forgave me the last time I did that. She won't forgive me again.", Jimin said. Jin sighed.

"Why're you so pessimistic? She's very kind-hearted and she loves you too.", J-Hope said. Jimin smiled weakly.

"I'm sure she'll give you another chance. I'm speaking as one of her best friends, she's very patient and caring. She will forgive you.", Chowon said.

"Stop doubting yourself. She'll forgive you. We'll tell her to forgive you. She'll believe us.", Somi said.

Jimin smiled at all of them. "Thank you for the support!", Jimin exclaimed. "We're here for you.", Jin reassured him.

"Let's get to the plan. We need to make sure she will come to the place we will meet in.", Taehyung said.

"True. Where should it be though?", Jungkook asked.

"Probably it can be a place where she has always loved.", Chowon suggested.

"Either that or somewhere you two have a special memory in.", Somi suggested.

"I know just the place.", Jimin said and smiled. "When should it be?", Suga asked.

"Her birthday's coming up. It can probably be on that day.", Chowon said. "That's on Friday already.", Taehyung said.

"We have to make sure she comes.", Jimin said. "We can deal with that. We'll just say that it's somewhere important.", Somi said.

"I guess it's set now.", RM said. "Tell us the place and time in the chat okay?", J-Hope said. "Yeah.", Jimin replied.

"I brought some food you know. I don't think we should waste it.", Jin said.

"What kind of food did you bring?", J-Hope asked. "Some chips and sweets.", Jin replied, getting all the snacks out of his backpack.

"How unhealthy.", Jungkook whined. "As if you're healthy.", Suga said. "Sometimes.", Jungkook replied while getting a snack.

"Let's watch a movie.", Taehyung said. The boys and the girls nodded and excitedly prepared for the movie.

During the Movie...
Chowon sat on the couch with some popcorn. Jin sat beside her. The boys looked at the couch and smiled.

The Bangtan Boys told Jin to sit beside her. This was their plan.

Chowon rolled her eyes at Jin. "Can I have some popcorn?", Jin asked politely. "Get your own.", Chowon replied.

"But that's the last pack.", Jin pouted. "Buy in a grocery then.", Chowon said. "Please~", Jin whined. "Go away.", Chowon said.

"So rude.", Jin pouted. "Who was rude first?", Chowon asked. " I didn't do anything wrong you know.", Jin answered. "Liar", Chowon mumbled.

Jin heard her and opened his phone. "I have proof that I didn't do anything wrong.", Jin said as he showed her a video of Nayeon.

"Hi Chowon! I'm very sorry for fooling you. I was just really jealous of you going with Jin oppa. I was the mysterious number on your phone who told you to go away from Jin oppa. I'm the one who stole Jin oppa's phone to text you. I sent texts through his phone. It was all my fault. I'm very sorry."

Chowon finished watching the video and was teary-eyed at the end. She looked at Jin and hugged him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", Chowon repeatedly said. "It's alright. I understand that you thought I would cheat on you. I hope you know that I would never leave you.", Jin said as he stroked her hair.

Jungkook peeked at the couple and started giggling. "Hey, don't make fun of him. You'll be like that sooner or later.", Suga said.

Jungkook scoffed. "As if. I'm staying single forever.", Jungkook bragged. "What a lonely life you would have then.", Suga smirked. "Whatever.", Jungkook replied.

"Do you forgive me?", Chowon asked. "Of course jagiya~", Jin said sweetly. Chowon smiled through her tears. "Does that mean we can be together again?", Jin asked. Chowon nodded.

They kissed passionately. Jungkook was about to look back but RM covered his eyes. "Hey, why'd you cover my eyes?", Jungkook asked, whispering. "Too young.", RM replied. "But we're only a few months apart.", Jungkook whined.

"You're still too young. Besides, you won't understand.", Jimin said. "Hyungs are so mean, noona.", Jungkook whined to Somi. "Well, your fault for not getting a girlfriend.", Somi replied. They all laughed and continued watching the movie.

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