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Michael's POV

I didn't know that Andrew had a sister my age until an hour ago when I my mum and I got home from grocery shopping and her and her mum were outside planting flowers. My mum said hello and her mum said hello and then they started talking about how it's a lovely day leaving me to have to carry in all the groceries all by myself. Carrying in groceries isn't too glamorous so I had to find a way to impress Andrew's sister who I have yet to find out her name. The best way I could figure out to impress her was to try and act all strong by carrying in as many bags as I could at once. For me it was easy at first because I didn't have to act all strong, I mean look at me, I have muscles.

I was almost done with the groceries but when I grabbed the last five bags two of them broke. With just my luck, the bags that broke had eggs in them and some of the eggs broke all over the driveway.

"I take it that's your son." Mrs. Parker said to my mom as they all looked at me trying to pick up the eggs.

"Yes, it is." My mum nodded. "And is this your daughter?"

"Yes, her name is Kaylee." Mrs. Parker replied. "Well I gotta get going. The house isn't going to clean itself." Mrs. Parker started walking towards the door and inside. Kaylee walked over and sat in the steps on their porch.

"I think it'd be best if I carried the eggs instead." My mum said grabbing the bags from me and walking inside. I closed the trunk.

"Hey, you're Michael, right?" Kaylee asked, walking over to me.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked. My mum didn't say my name to them.

"Andrew was talking on the phone to someone about you." She answered.

Andrew was talking about me to someone? Who would he be talking to? I didn't think he had friends but obviously I was wrong.

I didn't say anything.

"He wants me to stay away from you. He thinks you're trouble." Kaylee told me.

"Then why don't you take his advice and stay away from me?" I asked.

"Because I'm not one to judge a book by it's cover. You could be missing out on an amazing story if you do." She said, walking back over to her house.

"Okay but don't get disappointed when you find out my story isn't a fairy tale." I smiled. "Maybe do you want to go out sometime like on a date?"

"Yeah," She smiled. "I'd love too."


Calum's family came back into town today. They'll be staying in town for a week or two. Calum's funeral is tomorrow.

Ashton, Luke, and I have been asked to say a little speech at the funeral. We decided we'd write one speech together and Luke agreed to saying it. Our speech is already done. I wrote most of it.


"Michael, get up." My mum exclaimed.

"What time is it?" I asked, my eyes still closed since I was really tired. I couldn't sleep last night. I couldn't stop thinking about Calum and his funeral.

"Time for you to get a watch." She replied walking out of the room.

"I just wanted to know the time." I muttered getting up out of bed.

My mum laid out a suit for me to wear to the funeral. Our mum's want us to look nice.

I put the suit on and it looked quite nice. I was supposed to wear this suit to my aunts wedding but I got sick and couldn't go. I never thought that the first time I'd get to wear this suit would be to my best friend's funeral.

It sickens me to think that even after Calum's funeral we won't be done with this 'C' guy and that Calum's murderer is somewhere out there. And when we do find the murderer and figure out who 'C' is, maybe I'll finally get to be able to close my eyes without seeing Calum's dead body or remembering a threat 'C' has sent us.

"Michael, are you okay?" My mum asked walking into my room, causing me to stop thinking what I was thinking about for a moment.

"Yeah," I mumbled, taking a deep breath. "I'm fine." I felt tears forming in my eyes and I just wanted to scream. I wanted to say that I'm not okay but I don't know if I'm ready to tell her let alone anybody else about 'C'.

"The suit looks nice on you." She complimented me as she stood behind me, looking into the mirror as I stood in front of it.

I bit my lip hoping it'd stop me from being seconds away from screaming and crying. As I looked at my reflection in the mirror I noticed I had bags under my eyes and my eyes looked sad. You could see the pain in my eyes. You could see how broken I am. You can see the sadness in my eyes but it's all covered up by the simple lie everyone tells, 'I'm fine', maybe that's why nobody will help me as I drown. I guess I'm all by myself on this one and it's true what they say, 'if you don't swim you'll drown.'

"What?" I asked turning around to face my mum as she just stares at me. "You still think I need therapy?" I shook my head walking out of my room.

"It wasn't just my decision." She answered, following me downstairs. "It was a group decision and we think it's best for you boys. You've been through a lot, Michael."

"How can you say that when you don't know half of the things the boys and I have been through? You don't know what's best for us, you just know what's best for you and their mums." I spat. "I'm sorry if you don't like being seen with me and being labeled as 'the mum of the boy who's friends with the kid who got murdered'." After saying those words, I regretted them when I saw the pained look on my mum's face.

"You're right, Michael" She agreed as her eyes began to water. "I don't know what's best or half of the things you've gone through because lately you've all been so distant and we never know what's going on with you boys anymore. You never talk to me about anything."

"Mum, I'm sorry." I apologized. "If it makes you feel better I'll go to stupid therapy."

I didn't want to go to stupid therapy whatsoever but I kinda owe it to my mum after what I've just said. It's either we talk to our mum's and tell them everything including the texts and messages from 'C' or we go to therapy. I am a seventeen almost eighteen year old boy. I do not need therapy but I sure don't want to tell my mum about some guy who wants to kill Luke, Ashton, and I.

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