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Luke's POV

My mum is trying to find a job but so far she hasn't found any. I haven't gotten any texts from 'C' either so that is good. I hope it stays that way.


Ash and I were leaving Michael's house when I got a text from 'C'. Luckily I was already in my car so Ash didn't know I got this text.

Remember your days at fat camp? Looks like you get to go back. If you want some money for your mum, go to the bakery in town and pick up the order for you. Make sure you eat it all in front of the bakery! -C

I used to always eat whenever I was sad or stressed. I guess I found that easier than facing my problems. That was why I was quite a chubby kid. Now I don't eat when I am sad or stressed.

How does 'C' even know about that? 'C' must have been watching us for a while now.

I drove to the bakery and parked my car. For a little bit I just sat there wondering if I should do this or not. After a while, I decided that my family needs the money and I'd do anything to help my mum out, so I got out of my car and walked in to pick up the order 'C' got for me.

It was a box full of brownies. There was eight brownies total and if I don't eat all of them I wont get the money.

I sat down at one of the four tables in front of the bakery and began eating the first brownie. As I began eating it, some people from school showed up and sat at the table next to me. They looked at me and began whispering which led to them bursting out in laughter. I didn't stop from starting to eat the second brownie.

One of the guys at my table looked at me. He used to pick on me when I was younger but when I became friends with Calum he stopped bothering me. Now that Calum is gone he can pick on me all he desires and nobody can stop it. The guys name is Derek and he is way muscular than I am so I can't stand up to him unless I want beat up.

"I didn't know you had to try out for fat camp, Hemmings." Derek laughed and so did the others.

What he said to me hurt me. As they laughed and joked around some more I continued eating the brownies. I was now on the fifth one.

"What a freak." One of the girls whispered. "I heard he used to skip his meals."

"Shut up." Michael said to them as he walked passed them.

"Make me." Derek spat, standing up.

"Do you really want me to do that?" Michael asked Derek as a warning.

"I really want you to." Derek replied.

"Okay, you asked for it." Michael pulled back his arm and punched him, leaving him with a now bleeding lip.

Derek looked at Michael before walking away with his friends. Michael sat down across from me and gave me a puzzled look.

"What's with all of the brownies?" He asked me.

"I got hungry?" I said which sounded more of a question.

"So you bought eight brownies?"

"Okay fine, 'C' made me eat them for money." I admitted.

"Why would you do that for money?"

"Well, as you know my mum doesn't have a job." I said.

Michael nodded his head and for a bit it was quiet as I still kept eating the brownies.

"Is everything okay?" Michael asked randomly.

"Yeah," I answered. "Everything is okay. I'm gonna go use the bathroom then I'm going home."

Michael left and I walked back in the bakery. I threw away the empty box and walked into the bathroom. I didn't need to go, I just wanted to make sure it wasn't noticeable I was upset. I don't want to have to explain all of this to my mum.

As I was about to leave, I noticed on the back of the bathroom door there was money taped to the door. I quickly took all of the money off the door and shoved it in my pocket.


Later that night, I was about to fall asleep but I got a text from 'C'.

Wow, that was easy! If you continue to do whatever I say I might as well make my job easier and tell you to kill yourself. -C

The rest of the night, it was impossible to fall asleep. 'C' wants me dead. Out of the three of us boys, I'm the easiest to get to; I'm the weakest link. It would be easy for 'C' to kill me and make it look like I killed myself like what we all think 'C' or someone did to Calum.


Sorry for taking a while to update! I hope you liked it! If you want, you can follow my Twitter which is @tacotuesdayluke , you can tweet me if you want!

So, do you have any prediction on who 'C' may be?

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