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I got a few questions so now I am going to answer them. A few of the questions I can't give exact answers because that will be explained in the next couple chapters.

• Do the boys know that Calum isn't really dead?

The boys are all iffy about that since they did go to Calum's funeral but then Harry did tell Ashton about Calum still being alive earlier in the story. Plus, 'Calum' has visited the boys at some point like how in a previous chapter Calum visited Ashton while he was all tied up in that house or when Calum was with Ashton that night at the bar.

(A question for just Ashton) Where df u at home boy u ok

No he is not okay. He is tied up in a house and hasn't eaten or anything in days because Brent is the only one who knows where Ashton is at and Brent is dead so.

• Where did Calum go during the time he was missing?

In a previous chapter, Kaylee mentioned that Calum visited her the night he went missing but Kaylee has lied about quite a few things so you never know if he really did visit her. Plus, I don't want to give too much away but Calum most likely was with people that night, but I can't say who yet.

Who is really in the coffin?

Maybe it's Calum and the boys are just hallucinating whenever they are talking to Calum, or maybe it's some innocent person who looks like Calum and has had all their records changed to make it seem like they're Calum. I guess you'll find out in the next couple chapters!!

• (to Calum) are you going to help ash and take him home or are you going to fake his death?

Your question was answered in the chapter that I just posted today so go read it!!

• (to Michael) do you believe Kaylee?

Sorta because C is always threatening people so it wouldn't be a surprise that C did threaten her but wouldn't she tell me (Michael) at least that she's being threatened?

• (to Alex) who is your cousin?

Well, he went missing a while back and has been a mental patient in the past.

• (to Ash) are you going home soon?

Your question was answered a bit in the chapter I posted today, just saying. :)

Thanks for the questions to those of you that commented and sorry if you were disappointed about the questions that I couldn't give exact answers on!

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