Hope she won't melt

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I opened my eyes to find Neo holding me tightly. Looking down i see that she has a smile on her face with closed eyes and a slight blush.

She must have somehow found a way to make sure that if i move she'll be woken up as our legs where wrapped around eachother and she held my arms at my side.

I decided to just lay there and enjoy the close proximity to the vertically challenged ice cream cone, the only problem was that we were both nearly naked.

That and i needed to go to the bathroom, i shifted my arm to test my theory and soon enough i saw her eyes flutter open revealing her heterochromatic eyes.

Me: Morning Neo

She looked up to me with a smile before laying her head back down on my chest without a care in the world

Me: Mind moving?

She nodded making me let out a sigh, i tried getting free of her grasp but she didn't budge

Me: I need to use the bathroom

She looked up to me to see if i was serious before letting out a silent sigh, she untangled our limbs and climbed off of me letting me go relieve myself.

After finishing and washing my hands i closed the door only to be tackled from behind by Neo who wrapped her arms around my next and hung from me like a monkey

Me: Not that i don't enjoy it but why do you do this?

She gestured to herself and then stuck up to fingers

Me: I 2?... Oh, me too- wait you do it because you enjoy it?

She nodded making me smile slightly, i moved over to my suitcase to bring out some clothes only to realise Neo was still clinging to me

Me: Do you mind? We do have to get changed

Reluctantly she let go falling on her feet pouting ever so slightly at the loss of contact, i moved back over to the bathroom to get changed into my beach wear.

It wasn't much, only consisting of a button up shirt which i kept open and swimming trunks.

Walking out the room i saw Neo with her sundress back on, i looked at her confused and she just winked at me


We arrived at the beach, i had kinda gone all out a rented a private more illustrious part because i had a shit ton of money that i wasn't going to use, hope that won't come back to bite me

Walking out the car i go to the boot and pull out a cooler and a parasol. I lead Neo to the beach and i look over to see the happy look on her face.

Arriving at a suitable spot i stabbed the parasol in the sand and open it before placing down the cooler, i walk back to the car and open the back door and pull out two beach chairs and some towels.

I walk back to Neo to find her taking off the sun dress she was wearing, underneath was her swimsuit, well it was more of a bikini than anything which suited her figure nicely.

She glances over to me with a sly smile as i place down the chairs and unfold them. Nei throws me a plastic bottle and shows me her scroll

Me: "Mind putting this on my back?" O-Oh, not at a-all

She turns around and lays on one if the towels before undoing the back of her bikini. I gulp before hovering over her and putting the lotion on my hands.

I lean forward and rub my hands over her back not missing a spot, i get a wee bit to close to her breasts, totally not on purpose, and pull my hands back.

She sits up and turns around cutious at wht i stopped and i move my arms infront of my eyes due to her top being off.

Me: Err... Neo, your top... you're not wearing it

I wait for abit to wait for her to put it back on and after a minute she taps my shoulder, i move my arms out my face amd see her holding up her scroll which read "Such a gentlemen"

I shrug and walk forward and take a few steps into the sea, it was cold but it offset the hot temperature so i didn't mind it.

A few moments later Neo joined me and shivered at how cold the water was, i chuckled making her pout. How can some so childish be so adorable? Shit... i'm not a paedophile right?

We went deeper into the water and i felt her splash me, i turned around and see her turning her head away in feigned ignorence.

I splash her back before diving under the water so she can't stop me, she walks out a little further cautious of where i could be before i sneak up behind her

I shoot up and pick her up as she adopts a suprised look. We stare at eachother for a moment before laughing, well i'm laughing and she's covering her mouth as her shoulders rock.

I place her down as we calm down, throught all of it we don't break eye contact. She blinked as her eyes swap colours before she blinks again and they go back to normal.

We slowly lean closer to one and another before our lips touch and we kiss, our eyes close as she wraps her arms around my neck and i wrap mine around her waist.

Me: Neo, what-

She cuts me off by placing a finger on my lips before removing it and we kiss again. Huh, guess my wish came true

(Lemme know what you think)

Is This The Real Life?: Blake x Male Reader x Neo {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now