I Live In A Fictional World

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I sat in the bullhead to take me to Beacon, for some reason when i got on Ruby wouldn't leave me alone wanting to "Introduce my sister to my new friend!"

I constantly tried to stop her but she wouldn't stop so now i'm walking to Yang with Ruby wrapped around my leg while being dragged along the floor.

Me: So you're Yang?

She looked over to me and gained a flirtatous smile and put her hands on her hips.

Yang: Yes i am~ and you are?

Me: A guy your sister wouldn't leave alone until i talked to you

Yang: I'm sure you're exaggerating

I raised my leg to see Ruby wrapped around it like a monkey. She looked at me awkwardly before she saw Yang and her face lit up

Ruby: Yang! This is my new friend...

Me: One i never told you my name and two when did we become friends?

Ruby: When Ozpin excepted us into Beacon and when we beat up those bad guys!

Me: I'm not your friend, we're acquaintances at best. God your like a dog

Yang: We have a dog, his names Zwei

Me: I'm more of a cat person

I reached over to Ruby and easily pried her off with my prosthetic, seriously this thing can crush brick without any effort.

I handed Ruby to Yang as she held her, Ruby jumped to the window and gasped as she pressed her face against it.

Ruby: Yang! You can see home from here!

Yang: Beacon is our home now

On cue, Jaune gagged as people looked at him strangely and backed away

Yang: Well i guess the view isn't for everyone

Ruby: Eww! Yang you have puke on your shoe!

Yang: Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew! Get it off!


The bullhead landed and Jaune bolted out of their to find a garbage can to throw up in, i looked around and Beacon truly was massive!

Ruby started bouncing around pointing out people's weapons until Yang pulled her back by her cape.

Yang: Can't you be happy with your own weapon?

Ruby: Of course i can! But our weapons are extensions of ourselves and if i can't marvel over them them i'm basically insulting people

I shook my head and walked away as Yang disppeared with her friends. Eventually i did hear the explosion and instead of going there i ignore it.

Somehow i bump into Yang who didn't hear the explosion somehow, whether it be because her friends were to loud or some other reason.

Yang: Oh hey, did Ruby run away to look at weapons or something?

Me: No, she caused an explosion

Yang: She what?!

Yang ran off to search for her and her friends looked at her confused, i turned to them and shrugged before walking away.

I swear if i find all the main characters on the first day. I wasn't paying attention and bumped into someone again, but speak of the devil it's a pain- i mean main character

She looked at me and apologized like the polite person she is, Pyrrha Nikos. If i want to have a good relationship with her it woukd be best to pretend to not know her and be friendly

Me: No no it's my fault, i'm sorry miss...

Pyrrha: Nikos, Pyrrha Nikos

She stuck her hand out and i shook it, she had a gentle smile on her face and i returned it although not wanting to pursue a relationship with her.

I'll find you one day Neo and we'll be together again. We stopped shaking hands and began walking together.

Pyrrha: So where are you from since your accent is quite strange

Me: Well i don't really have a home, i travelled alot

Pyrrha: I guess i can understand that... by the way, is your hand mechanical?

Me: It is, did the creaking give it away?

Pyrrha: Hehehe, only slightly

I looked around and saw a hint of pink and brown in the distance, i blinked and it disppeared making me stare into the distance again.


I somehow lost Pyrrha but it didn't bother me, i made my way into the hall and waited for Ozpin to make his speech.

During the time waiting a sat on the floor and tried to focus, i've unlocked my aura so my semblance shouldn't me so far behind right?

According to Ren semblances are similar to someones personality. So what would mine be?

I stuck my hand out and let my emotions flow but controlled them so that they don't over take me.

I waited and waited, trying to unlock my semblance but nothing happened frustrating me.

In my anger i slammed my hand on the floor as it cracked. It wasn't with my left hand but my normal one so it was quite confusing

?: Hey... dude your hairs on fire

I turned my head as my anger subsided and looked to see Jaune who looked nervous.

Jaune: Never mind

He walked away as i thought about what he said, how was my hair on fire? I don't... that's what happens when Yang uses her semblance.

Do i have her semblance? No, each semblance is unique to each person so that couldn't be the case...

?: Ahem

Hearing an amplified voice i turned my attention to the stage where Ozpin and Ms Goodwitch was standing

Ozpin: I'll... keep this brief. You have travelled here today in search of knowledge - to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.

Ozpin left the stage as Ms Goodwitch came up to the stage before saying something that i wasn't interested then leaving.

I layed down on the floor, using my arms as pillows since i didn't bring anything to sleep in. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder so i turned around and my eyes widened when i saw who it was.

(Lemme know what you think)

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