This Isn't The World I Know

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I turned around and saw Neo as my eyes widened, i blinked and she changed to Blake. I sat up and rubbed my eyes and saw it really was Blake

Me: Can i help you?

Blake: Do you mind if i sit here, it's more private than most places

Me: Not at all

Blake: Thanks

I moved out the way slightly and she placed her stuff down before sitting next to me. She pulled out a book and lit a candle so she could see better.

Hmm... maybe i could change the canon of the show ever so slightly

Me: Sorry for assuming but you're a faunas right?

Her eyes widened and she lowered her book, turning around to me she squinted her eyes

Blake: Why do you think that?

Me: Your eyes, with most cat faunas a defining trait is Amber coloured eyes

Blake:... Just don't tell anyone

Me: Don't worry, your secrets safe with me

Yang: Hey

Like in the Canon Yang and Ruby approached Blake making Blake turn to them

Yang: My sister says she knows you

Blake: Weren't you the girl who exploded?

Ruby: Err yeah, call me Crater... actually just call me Ruby

Yang: (whispering)What are you doing?!

Ruby:(whispering) I don't know!? Help me- (normal tone) Oh Y/N, i didn't see you there, do you know her?

Me: Kind of, could you i don't know... go before we disturb the other students?

Yang: Fine~

They turned away and walked back to where they were sleeping before Weiss approached them and they acted like they did when they first met?

Huh, that's a change, they approached Blake before Weiss came to them and lectured Ruby about dust and what not

Blake: Thanks for that

Me: No problem

I turned away and used my arms as a substitute pillow again trying to go to sleep, this didn't work so instead i sat up and took off my gloves and flexed my fingers.

Blake looked over and saw that one of my hands were mechanical, she lowered her book and began to talk to me

Blake: How'd you lose your hand?

Hmm, how did i lose it? Meh i'll just make something up

Me: There was a peaceful protest going on years back that was lead by the ood white fang

Blake: Then what? You tried breaking it up?

Me: No actually, i tried stopping people from hurting the Faunas who were protesting and they said "If you want to protect those freaks so much then we'll make you a freak" then they chopped off my hand

Blake: Wait... Y/N? I-It's me Blake

I turned to her and squinted my eyes trying to figure out how she knew my name, swiftlt i had a rush off memories that showed me protecting her and a young Ilia from some humans.

I shook my head slightly and looked at her in a new light, apparently i know Blake. Not as a Ruby character but as an... old friend

Me: Blake? It's so good to see you!

She placed down her book and rushed to me and wrapped her arms around me giving me a hug, i hugged her back and saw her ears twitch under her bow.

We pulled away and she had a small cat like smile on her face.

Blake: I don't know how i didn't recognize you with those silver eyes of your, how's it been?

Me: It's been alright, i mean i'm here... How's Ilia?

Blake: She's... i'm not sure to be honest. Last i heard though you're still the only human she trusts

Me: I see, well like i said it's good to see you. Teams are formed tomorrow and i wanted to know if you'd want to be on the same team?

Blake: Of course, you've trained with your a semblance more right?

A flash went through my mind of me making a shadow cline of myself and Blake cheers me on

Me: Who do you take me for? Of course i have

Blake: Good, it'd be a shame to see a semblance like yours go to waste- Oh! I still have your things

Me: (Hushed) My things?

She scooted over and looked around in her duffel bag? She eventually pulled out three katanas in their sheathes and gives them to me

Blake: I still have no idea how you can use all three of them

A couple flashes go through my mind of my using all three katanas at once, one in each hand and another in my mouth... Who am i fucking Roronoa Zora? Like seriously?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!

First Neo comes to the real world, although that was amazing! I go through a portal with her and we're split up. I have a robotic hand AND sliver eyes!

Then i know Who Blake and Ilia are, i have a semblance! And on top of all that i have three swords that i can use in tandem

Blake: Y/N, you okay? You're spacing out

Me: Hmm, O-Oh yeah! I'm just suprised that you kept them

Blake: Why wouldn't i?

Me: Yeah... i guess that a stupid question


I woke up the next day from a strange dream, there was a woman with blonde hair who was alone.

I tried to reach out to her but she was only forced back by an invisible force. She tried to reach to me but was held back and was dragged away by something.

I looked around in the dream and saw a man with no clear features but he held a cane that seemed to force me back.

I sat up and noticed that my head was laying on a pillow, and there was a weight on my chest that pushed me back down.

Seeing it was Blake i was shocked, she was curled up ontop of me with her head on my stomach and her bow twitching every couple seconds.

Blake: (sleepy) No Y/N~... Go back to sleep... Adam doesn't have to know

Me: ...there's fish if you get up

She instantly shot up and looked around hungrily but realised that i was joking. Turning to me her bow flattened and she was pouting slightly

She folded her arms and huffed gently before getting up and collecting her things. I got up and her words ran through my head.

I know things aren't normal now but did her and Adam have that kind of relationship now? I mean... it sounded like she cheated on him... with me

If so then how long did it last and did he ever find out? Does she still harbour feelings towards me?I... is my presence changing everything?

(Lemme know what you think)

Is This The Real Life?: Blake x Male Reader x Neo {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now