Back To Reality (part 2)

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(A/N It seems people wanted more do here ya go!)

Y/N's pov

Me: NEO!

Shooting up i looked around to find that she was nowhere insight, in fact i wasn't at beacons dance anymore.

Instead i was in a hospital bed with an i.v drip in my arm and a heart rate monitor attached to me.

That day had been replaying in my dreams for the past week now. When she pushed me through i woke up here.

Apparently i had been in a coma for a few months, my body had withered and my hair grew out but i didn't care about that.

I cared about getting back to Neo and Blake... this was real right? What i had with them and what we did had to be real!

A doctor walked into my room with a nurse, he began to change my i.v bag as the doctor checked my vitals

Doctor: How are you feeling today Y/N?

Me: Like shit

Doctor: Well i suppose that's what'll happen when you're in a coma. We have you booked for some physiotherapy today, do you think you're up to the task?

Me: I want to go back to sleep

Nurse: You were in a coma for four months

Me: Fine just give me five minutes

They chuckled as i looked out a window, i'll find a way back to them... they can count on it.

Blake's pov

?: Blake it's almost time to go

Looking to the voice i saw Ruby and Yang, i sighed before nodding and walking over to them.

Ruby: They'll be found

Me: But what if they aren't?

Yang: Don't focus on that alright? We've got our matches to prepare for

Ruby: Yeah! We were so lucky that Ozpin let us in

They were drowned as i looked away to Y/N's bed... it's been a while since he and Neo just vanished one day.

But i have faith... faith that they will come back and we can be a team again.

Y/N's pov

Nurse: There's no need to rush it...

I held onto the support bars as i slowly and shakily walked forward. I'll get walking back down, then jogging and finally running.

It seems that i still have my aura so that proves that it wasn't all just a dream in my coma.

Raising my foot i went to take a step forward but my leg couldn't support all my weight so i fell forward as the nurse rushes towards me to help me up.

Nurse: You can't push yourself so hard, if you do that it'll do the opposite of what you need.

Me: N-No... i can do this

Shrugging him off i grabbed the support bars and raised myself onto one knee. Breathing a couple times i pushed myself back onto two feet.

Trying once again i raised a foot and moved my leg forward before placing it infront of me, moving my other one through the air i placed it slowly infront of it.

I slowly walked forward with the support of the bars as my knees wobbled and my ankles felt like they were going to break off.

I'll push myself as hard as i need too to get back to them! Reaching the end of the support bars the nurse gave me a short applause before coming over with a wheelchair for me to sit in.

Me: Just give me a moment and i'll go again...

Nurse: You did more than you were ment to, i have to take you back to your room.

Me: I can keep going, don't worry


I pushed myself onto my bed as the nurse left the room, panting i gripped the side of the bed side table and tried to push myself up.

My legs began to shake as i strained to keep myself up, concentrating i activated my aura so i could heal quicker.

However my aura began to drain quickly as i struggled to keep myself up, trying to step forward i fell down and the items on the table to spill everywhere.

Me: I'll get back... I promise i'll get back to you two!

Blake's pov

Ruby: We did it!

Yang: Heck yeah!

They high fived and smiled widely making me laugh slightly at their childness.

Even after all that's happened my mind keeps drifting back to that night. Did they run away?

Ruby said she saw someone so maybe they had an accomplice and for some reason took Neo and Y/N...

I don't know what happened to the two of them but i'll find them, no matter whatever it takes!

(Lemme know what you think)

Is This The Real Life?: Blake x Male Reader x Neo {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now