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Thyridon "Spectre" Strak

"This is stupid. No, this is beyond stupid". Sergeant Thyridon of the 327th Cadian regiment thought to himself whilst preparing himself. "This is heresy!".

His entire regiment had gathered in the plaza to rebel against the imperium and the Emperor Himself. He himself was sitting in an abandoned apartment building just outside the plaza prepping a long-las for firing.

As he looked at the men he served with.... USED to serve with, he felt a tinge of regret for what he was about to do. The rest of his squad were in various other places, positioned around the plaza, most likely preparing as he was.

He could hear the commander's speech beginning in the plaza. He sighed as he readied his long-las. This was NOT going to be fun.

Imperio "Trigger" Harkin

The traitor was halfway through his speech when his head blossomed and exploded, showering the crowd below with bits of brain and skull. That was his signal.

"So spectre made it? I guess it never pays to bet against him" He thought to himself as he readied his heavy bolter. He was one of the few guardsmen actually strong enough to wield one of these heavy weapons.

As he stepped out from behind the doorway he had been in he saw the others doing the same. He spotted Scholar step out his bolter raised. All members of Thyridon's squad had been trained to be able to carry and use bolters.

As he pulled the twin triggers on his heavy bolter he watched all of hell be unleashed upon the plaza. The 10 members of Thyridon's squad all stepped out of the shadows wield their prefered weapons and began to gun down the heretics standing in the square. His heavy bolter spat death as the men in front of him were turned to red mist in front of his eyes.

"Poor bastards never stood a chance" He thought, gunning down 3 men that tried to flee. He looked to his left seeing Thyridon enter the fray, his power sword cutting a path of carnage towards the nearest commanding officer. The sergeant of squad number 4 was desperately trying to rally the fleeing men as Thyridon approached him.

"Why do this!" He yelled out loud. "Why slay your brothers like this Thyridon?"

The poor man looked up pleadingly.

"You are no brother of mine heretic" Thyridon spat. "Suffer not the heretic to live!" he roared bringing his sword around beheading the sergeant.

There were no more heretics left in the plaza, all either dead or hiding. Thyridon was standing in the middle of the plaza, panting, and covered in the enemies blood. As his squad circled around him they were all somber. They had all just killed their brothers-in-arms, killing men that they had known for years. But they weren't sad or regretful because those men had in turn, had betrayed everything they had every stood for.

"Alright men" Thyridon began "This plaza is now secure. However the heretics now know that we are not with them. We must bolster this plaza against assault and prepare to make our way off world. It will be long and arduous, but there is no other way." He finished. "Now any questions?"

Imperio shot his hand up.

"Yes Imperio?"

"How many heretics are we going to kill on our way off this shithole?" He asked.

A vengeful smile spread across Thyridon's face.

"Every single one we can get our hands on"

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