Chapter 1: Crusaders of a new age

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2 weeks later...

Destrov "Scholar" Tarkate

"Incoming!" Destrov yelled as the missile hurtled towards them. It missed by mere inches and blew apart the wall behind them. "Damn these chaos spacemarines don't fuck around" He thought. Destrov brought his bolter around and pumped a clip at the heretic spacemarine. The spacemarine hadn't seen him and was caught by surprise as the armor piercing explosive rounds hit him head on. He screamed as the rounds blasted chunks of meat from his torso before a shot pierced his helm and his head exploded.

"Pray to whatever god you worship for mercy" He heard Spectre yell "Because I'm about to send you to hell!"

The spacemarine he had been yelling at was cut down like a blade of grass from the force of Spectre's power sword. As the 2 halves hit the ground he immediately began looking for a new target.

Trigger meanwhile had stationed himself in an abandoned buildings second floor and was happily mowing down any traitor that happened to step inside his kill zone.

Thyridon yelled something inaudible and charged into a building that was full of heretics attempting to set up heavy weapons.

"Spectre is taking out the heavy weapons" Trigger voxed "He wants the entrance covered while he's inside"

"So THAT'S what spectre had yelled" Destrov thought. He killed a traitor guardsmen with a head shot and then focused his attention on the buildings entrance. The traitors inside were the last ones left alive on the battlefield.

Thyridon "Spectre" Strak

The minute he entered the building all hell broke lose. There had been a squad of traitor guardsmen inside waiting by the staircase.

"Shit" He muttered jumping into action. His las-pistol killed the sergeant immediately from a headshot.

As the traitors scattered, disorganized, he cut down 2 more with his sword before they regrouped.

He dove behind cover immediately sheathing his sword and pistol and drawing his bolter. He was a crack shot and he killed 3 more heretics before they others frenzied by the blood rushed him.

He smashed the butt of his bolter into the first heretic knocking him out. The second had drawn a combat blade and was rushing him. He shot him in the head before the third pulled out his lasgun and tried to shoot him.

He stepped inside of his guard, grabbing the barrel of his gun and jerking backwards. He could hear the heretics wrist shatter as he brought his laspistol out and shot him in the head.

He didn't realize that a chaos spacemarine had snuck up behind him until it was too late. He barely managed to dodge his chainsword swipe and the spacemarine hit him in the chest with the hilt.

He felt his ribs crack and he let out a gasp as he was flung backwards. He managed to roll out of the way as the roaring chainsword ripped past him. Thyridon steadied himself and then pressed an attack.

He was a master swordsman, unmatched even by most spacemarines. He had already been offered a spot in the imperial fists assault company, and was supposed to ascend after this mission.

As he pressed the chaos marine the traitors swipes became more desperate. Thyridon felt a smile creep onto his face. He parried a particularly desperate blow and rammed his blade up to the hilt in the chaos marines chest, severing both his hearts.

He groaned and hauled the unconscious traitor over his shoulder, ready to leave.

Imperio "Trigger" Harkin

He had been watching the building for at least 5 minutes now, after the gunshots had been silenced.

Finally he spotted someone in the entrance. He held his breath waiting for the person to be identified. He let out his breath as Spectre stepped out and better yet he had a hostage.

He smiled. "This should be fun"

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