Chapter 3: How to crush a mountain

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Thyridon "Spectre" Strak


Thyridon spun around his blood running cold. A terminator could easily dismantle his entire squad and they wouldn't even be able to scratch it.

The terminator was obviously the leader here and Thyridon paused to take in his surroundings. There were 2 heavy weapons teams of traitor guardsmen at the windows facing the backyard, one had a heavy bolter the other had a lascannon. The terminator himself was carrying a corrupted power sword and a storm shield.

"Trigger get that lascannon and get ready to bring the heat. Scholar, kill that heavy bolter to give our boys out back some room to move" Thyridon voxed.

He could already see the 2 men breaking cover to complete their tasks.

"Hey Asshole!" He screamed at the terminator. "Why don't you pick on someone your own size? But then again we don't have any children here!"

That did it. The terminator bellowed in rage and spun around to face him. He drew his power sword from it's sheath and prepared for the hardest fight of his life.

Imperio "Trigger" Harkin

He heard the terminator bellow in rage and he glanced over his shoulder. Thyridon was standing there looking as calm as ever, even with the terminator charging towards him.

Imperio turned his attention to the task at hand. He was about 10 feet away from his targets who were desperately trying to reload their lascannon as Scholar killed the team beside them.

They hadn't noticed him yet and this mistake cost them their lives. His heavy bolter spat death and the heretics fell. Imperio quickly rushed over and began to set up the lascannon. Scholar had already rejoined the rest of their squad in pouring fire into the terminator.

Spectre seemed to be holding his own and then he saw Imperio with the lascannon ready. Spectre slowly turned the terminator so his back was to Imperio.

Imperio smiled took aim and fired.

Destrov "Scholar" Tarkate

"I'm out!" He yelled as his magazine ran dry. He scowled as he reloaded. They may as well have not been firing for how much the terminator cared. It's attention was solely fixed on Spectre and it hadn't even reacted to the bolter fire pouring into it.

Suddenly there was a loud crack, the sound of a lascannon discharging, and the terminator's chest exploded.

It appeared to be the opening Spectre had been looking for because he smiled and brought his sword around chopping off the stunned terminator's hands and finishing him by sticking his blade through the terminator's helm.

"Next time someone else can fight the fucking huge spacemarine. I've had my turn" Spectre muttered panting.

"But why would anyone else want to now that you've had so much practice?" Destrov asked jokingly.

Spectre flipped him the bird and said "Alright check these computers for any information on the spaceport, we're getting off this hellhole"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2014 ⏰

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