Chapter 2: Fun n' games

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Thyridon "Spectre" Strak

He examined the trembling heretic. The traitor guardsman was strapped in a chair prepared for interrogation.

"Where is the nearest chaos base?" Thyridon asked.

"I'll never tell you, lapdog of the false emperor!" the traitor managed to get out his lower lip trembling.

"I was hoping you'd say that"

He raised the knife and brought it down chopping off the top joint of the heretic's pinkie finger. The traitor screamed, his cries echoing around the room. Thyridon quickly heated up the knife with a blow torch and proceeded to cauterize the wound.

The man's screams grew in intensity and he cried "Alright I'll tell you!"

"Where is the base?" Thyridon repeated calmly.

"The nearest one is inside of the governor's old house" he said. "Now let me go!"

Thyridon laughed "I never said anything about letting you go, I just wanted the base's location." He spun around quickly plunging the knife into the traitor's eye killing him. "It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye" he muttered as he left the room.

Imperio "Trigger" Harkin

"I still can't believe we're doing this" Scholar muttered from across the room.

"We need this base, because it will allow us to locate the nearest operational spaceport" Spectre replied.

"I'm ready" Imperio said. He looked around the room at the 9 other men who were with him. He had been fighting his whole life with these men, but he had a feeling that they were about to suffer their first fatalities.

He gazed down at the house. It was niggt time now and tge house was just outside city limits in the country  side. The heretics had reinforced it placing autocannons manned by teams of 2 around it. The front and backyards were minefields and the house itself was surrounded by barbed wire, preventing anyone to climb it.

"Calmus  you're with me" Spectre said. "Bring you're sniper"

"Yes sir" Calmus replied.

"Me and Calmus will take out the autocannons and the searchlights on the roof. The second those searchlights go down Scholar take Trigger and Hadrian with you to disarm the mines in the front. Herak you take the rest of the squad with you and disarm the mines in the back." Spectre said.

"What then sir?" Imperio said.

"Then me and Calmus will join up with scholar's team and we kick in the front doors, kill everyone inside, and get those damn coordinates!" Spectre replied.

Half an hour later Imperio, Scholar and Hadrian were sitting outside the front gates in the bushes waiting.

"Autocannon teams are down" Imperio whispered.

Just then the searchlights died.

"Forwards now!" Scholar commanded. "Disarm those mines!"

Imperio took the left side and began working his way to the porch. He was halfway to the porch when a heretic stepped out of the front door.

"Everyone down!" Scholar voxed.

Imperio had hit the ground before the Scholar had finished speaking. Hadrian however was not as quick.

"Invaders!" The heretic yelled as he open fired.

His bullet caught Hadrian in the knee sending him sprawling fowards into the minefield. The explosion that followed stunned Imperio for a second, but he couldn't tell if he was stunned from the explosion or from the loss of his friend.

He voxed "We've been found!"

"Slay them all!" was Spectre's response.

The night air was suddenly filled with the loud staccato sounds of bolter fire. Imperio brought his heavy bolter around and killed the cultist on the porch, turning him into chunks of meat.

He sprinted to the right side where Hadrian had died, knowing that the mines had already been detonated then proceeded to the porch. The door was still open and him and Scholar charged inside. He saw Spectre and Calmus sprinting up the porch steps behind them.

"Team 2 we are in the house" He voxed.

"We're pinned down in the woods behind the house" Herak voxed.

"I've got this" Spectre said as team 1 rushed up to the second floor.

As Imperio stepped onto the second floors viewing room he saw something that made his blood go cold.


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