Chapter- 34

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Smriti's POV-

I don't know why things never go my way at home with family. Like I thought that I managed to successfully escape from Christian, but no! 

I accidentally tripped over the soap bar in the washroom and well, SLIPPED and fell down.

" Smriti! Are you alright? What was that sound?" He asked and sounded worried.

" I accidentally slipped." I told him.

" Great." He muttered sarcastically.

I tried getting up but it was no use. My shoulder had started bleeding again and it was paining way too badly now.

" Ahh." I screamed as I was trying to get up.

" Smriti, I am going to have to unlock the door." He shouted from outside.

" No need of that. I had forgotten to unlock the door." I replied back.

Within some 3 seconds, he was in.

I tried taking his arm for support but he lifted me in bridal style and walked out of the washroom. He then placed me on the bed and took the first aid box again.

" Take out top off." He said.

" Excuse me?" I asked, confused.

" I said, take your top off." He commanded.

I laughed nervously.

" Quit joking." I replied.

He looked on at me seriously.

" You are not joking." I muttered to myself.

" No, I'm not. Now take your top off before I have to do it for you." He warned.

I gulped.

" You know, I can do it myself." I said.

He sat down on the bed, rolled me over and took my top off. I was left in my bra. My face must have been tomato red by then so I just hid it underneath the pillow.

" Ouch." I flinched as Christian was doing the dressing.

At one point, the pain was unbearable so I held his hand tightly.

" It's almost done." He assured.

I nodded.

As he was done, he rolled me back and now I was facing him and I was topless. He was eying me. I felt my face on fire and covered myself with the duvet quickly.

He leaned into me and started taking the duvet off.

" Christian....." I stuttered.

" Now what's your excuse of escapism? See, we are already married." He whispered huskily in my ear.

" Technically, we are married according to your traditions, not mine." Here comes my smart comeback.

He groaned.

" Fine. I am ready to wait for as long as you want. I will never force you for something you and not ready for. But remember, YOU ARE MINE." He said loud and clear.

I nodded.

He turned and walked towards the door.

" Christian." I said.

" Yes?" He asked.

" Come here." I demanded. He obliged.

I pecked his left cheek slightly and turned my face.

" Now you can go. I'm sleepy." I said, to avoid seeing him in the eye.

He chuckled and went out.

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