Mismatched Love.

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Hey guys! New Year, new book.

So here I am with a new book of mine called MISMATCHED LOVE.

I hope you guys will support this book just like you've done with this and the other books of mine!

Here is the synopsis.

Here is the synopsis

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" Mumma, I am eighteen right now. I've not even started my college and you want me to get married to man who is seven years older! This is not fair." I shouted, exasperated.

" Swara, your sister has betrayed all of us and has run away from her own wedding. All the guests are waiting for the bride to come out. You know your grandfather's medical condition . He will not be able to take any shock right now and you if you don't go out, his hard earned reputation will get tainted and he may not be able to absorb this shock." Mumma tried to reason.

" What about Aditya....? I call him jiju (brother in law) for god's sake maa!" I exclaimed." He will be okay with this marriage." Amrita aunty, Aditya's mom said entering the room.

" Mumma...this is going to spoil three lives." I tried, talking sense.

" Swara, beta please do this for both of the families." Aunty said, folding her hands in front of me.

" I need to talk to him first." I demaded to which both of them obliged and within next five minutes, my so called jiju was standing in front of me.

" I tried to reason out with them. Turns out they did not understand. Didi loves you. I think she must have been forced to take this decision." I said, defending Kritika di.

" Forced? Her letter clearly states otherwise." He spoke with so much hatred in his voice.I kept quiet.

" Get dressed and come to the mandap (pavilion)" He said and left the room, banging the door on his way.

" Thank you so much ganpati bappa (god) for throwing me in this mess." I muttered and without an option, started getting ready.

God, what is going to happen with my life now!

So what's say? Do I publish it?

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