Chapter- 42

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Smriti's POV-

" Why did you do that. I said that I will not go but you still made me sit in the car. I don't like you....." I started shouting at him bur was cut off when he placed his lips on mine. I was shell shocked!

I genuinely had no idea what came over me and I pushed him away from me with force.

I saw his forehead muscle twitch as he came too close to me.

" Let me make this very clear Smriti, I don't tolerate insult. Don't you dare push me away from yourself. Never. Am I clear?" He asked.

I nodded like an obedient girl.

Okay, I pushed him away but what was the need to be so rude?

The rest of the journey to the private airport went in silence.

I feel angry. I was looking out from the glass, leaning my head on the door. I had no idea when I slept.

" Smriti wake up." I heard someone.

I opened my eyes. It was grandma.

" We have reached to the airport. Come." He instructed as I got out of the car.

We boarded the plane. Christian's mood was still off. Male and their bug fat egos!

" Smriti now ask your husband to keep work aside and sleep for sometime." Mia addressed me.

" He can do whatever he wants. I'm not interested." I muttered and took my seat.

" What has crawled up her ass?" I heard Mia speak.

" Nothing. She is cranky because she is tired and knows that she has work all day tomorrow." Sanskaar said.

" I am flying to New York today. I have business." Christian said.

" When will you reach to NY Smriti?" Carrick asked.

" On 30th September." I said.

" Okay." He said.

It was around 4 in the morning when we landed in Mumbai. I had already spotted some officers while exiting. I nodded at them. They did it back.

We reached grandma's house soon and all the post marriage rituals were being done.

Christian was still cold towards me.

" I don't give a damn." I muttered to myself.

" Trust me Mrs Grey, you do." He whispered to me, leaving shivers down my spine.

" No, I don't." I shot back. He smirked as if saying that he can see right through my lie.

" Do you have some sort of split personality disorder? Were you not angry?" I asked.

" No Mrs Grey, you are getting punished for 2 things now." He said.

" I am not your employee or student that you will punish me.!!" I shot back.

" Don't worry Smriti, you will equally enjoy the punishment." He said.

Comprehending the meaning behind his words, I blushed.

" Now all the rituals are completed, you both can go to the room and rest. It is 6 in the morning." Mumma said.

" Thank you Mrs Sharma." Christian said.

" I will show you the room." Radha said, the caretaker of the house.

The moment I reached the room with Christian, all I could see was a bed, desperately calling out for me to sleep on it.

Ms Sharma And Mr Grey.✅Where stories live. Discover now