Chapter- 47

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Smriti's POV-

After the strike, a sense of relief went through all of us and it was evident on everyone's face.

" All of you who assisted the strike can go home and rest. Your substitutes will be called in. All of you need rest." Sanjay sir said.

We nodded and Rajat dropped me home.

It was 5:30 in the morning and papa was in the garden, doing his routine workout. He saw me.

" Smriti, your mom said that you will be back after two days?" Dad asked as I got in.

" Change of plans dad. I came back. Let's switch the news on." I said, rushing into the living room.

" It's 5:30 Smriti, nothing exciting." He said.

I smirked.

And then he saw the trends and looked at me.

" Yes." I said, answering the questions so evident in his eyes.

" Smriti, you are early beta." Mumma said, coming out of her room rubbing her eyes.

" Why is the TV on?" She asked and then saw and heard.

" This is why you came here." She stated.

I nodded.

" Smriti, now I think you should probably head back to New York with your husband." Mumma said.

She was right. I did leave him in a hurry. I should go back today.

" Okay maa." I said.

" Papa, please book a flight?" I asked.

" Right on it." He said and went to his study.

" You freshen up. I'll get you breakfast." Mumma said.

I nodded and went to my room.

" Smriti, your flight is in four hours." I heard dad say.

I sighed.

" When will I be able to sleep freely. Half of my life is spent on flights!" I muttered.

Then I took a long shower and got down for breakfast.

After breakfast, I had to start for airport.

" I miss you my baby." Mumma said.

" Don't mumma. I'll be back here for a week next month. In fact, I always be here for a week every month." I said.

" Wow beta! It's like we will meet more frequent now then we used to meet when you were home." Mumma said sarcastically.

I laughed then bid bye to mom and dad and started for the airport after informing Sanjay sir about my leave for three weeks. Hopefully these three weeks, world becomes a peaceful place to live in so that at least I give some time to Christian.

As my flight took off, I felt into a deep sleep.

" Mam, please wake up. We've landed." I heard the air hostess shaking me.

OMFG? Did I sleep 16 hours straight! I need to accept this, I'm WEIRD.

I hired a cab to home.

" Anyone home?" I said, getting in.

It was 9 at night here.

" Mrs Grey." Christian said, coming out of the room SHIRTLESS.

He came to me and pecked my lips.

" Pakistan?" He said.

My eyes widened.

" I told Taylor to be discreet about it!!!" I whined.

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