Why I don't like Christianity and Catholicism

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Christianity and Catholicism not the people who practice it. just wanted to point that out.

I very openly don't like it and if you didn't already know that or if you did here are my reasons why:

So first we have the fact that Christians don't really try to teach or learn about other religions. They're dead set on god is the only way. Due to this I experienced a lot of trauma when I was young. Mostly emotional. Now as most of you probably know I am very openly Pagan. I have been since a young age; I also used to go to a catholic school. When I was younger I already kissed and hugged the trees on the playground because they would talk to me. They were my friends. After I was told by my mum that I was a witch I was very excited and told my friends. They at first payed along and said that their parents were witches too. Me being little and very gullible I believed them. It wasn't until the next day that they thought we were just playing make belief. I started to get bullied. In grade 4, when normally you get taught about both Egyptian and Greek mythology and history, we were told to choose one. My class chose to learn about Egyptian history. That's hardly what we learnt. The most we were taught was how to write our own name in hieroglyphs, how they drew people, that the nile river is where most of their water came from, and we were given an assignment to choose one god or goddess out of a group then make a 2D sculpture out of them in clay. I chose Taweret, the goddess of childbirth and fertility, That was all i learnt about her. I wasn't even taught that she was also the protector of women and children.  I wasn't taught about one of the most famous and beloved goddesses, Isis. I wasn't taught about what time period Cleopatra was in. We weren't taught that Nefertiti was possibly one of the first to wear glasses. We weren't taught anything else except that during one time all of the first born sons were killed, and the only reason why we were taught that was because it was in the fucking bible that we were forced to read. We didn't learn anything about Greek mythology at all. We weren't taught that the planets were named after gods. I'm sure the only reason we knew who Hercules was was because of the disney movie. We weren't taught that medusa was known as a symbol for womens shelters. All we were taught was that she was a monster who could turn people to stone and had snakes for hair. We weren't taught about the fact that Persephone even existed. Sure we've heard of Hades but none of us new he had a wife. None of us knew that the word arachnid came from Archne, a maiden who was turned into a spider after beating Athena in a contest (although there are other variations of the story). After grade 4 its like the history of other religions never existed. My school didn't teach it at all. We didn't talk about the fact that Christianity was really new religion and that Paganism is one of the oldest in existence. I got bullied a lot because of the fact that the school system didnt let you believe in a different religion let alone let you talk about or question theirs. My sister got in trouble for asking when god made dinosaurs once. I got in trouble for saying the word "Hell" a lot even though it's something they believe in.  School didn't tell us about the fact that the catholic religion allows things that shouldn't be allowed. It allows you to own and kill a slave. It allows pedophilia. It allows you to stone "sinners" to death. It allows so many other things. It also doesn't tell you the factor of why the devil is a fallen angel and why he reigns over hell. It doesn't explain that satan was the snake in the story of adam and eve and it doesn't tell you that the apple represented intelligence either. All it tells you is that it was a test of their faith and devotion to god, that of which they failed. If you argue science with the religion you don't get answers although they claim to encourage questions. I personally think no school should just be Catholic, or public that sort of shit. I think all schools should be public and they should teach  you about the history and development of religions and a bit about religion. Hell Catholics are known to just pick and choose what they believe from the bible. People  often hate gays but they'll still wear mixed fabrics.If youre going to teach any sort of religion at a school dont teach just one teach as many as you can then have the kid decide what they believe.

Reason 2: As I stated before I am a witch. Because of that my ancestors were killed. Almost everyone has heard about witch trials. There are some places in the world that i cant travel to because being a witch is still punishable by death. Now when I sayim a witch I mean im Pagan and Wiccan. There are religions. We have magic, and we use our magic these are our beliefs. We have multiple gods and goddesses. Yet they still leave room for science. For example Earth was made by god yea? Well god is the child of the sun and the moon. Thats why we have the moon cycle it's the different stages of mother moons pregnancy. If you think of this in a scientific way it makes sence. The world is mostly made out of the same elements as the sun and the moon. thus forth the sun and the moon made earth. I thought of this since I was little. After mum told me about mother moon and father sun being the parents of god and being in a catholic school i was kinda like "well what if god is just earth because god made it and since the sun and the moon are the parents earth is made of the same teeny tiny particles."In grade 9 we were taught in science that this was an exact fact. the earth was made from a combination of the same elements as both the sun and the moon along with the power of gravity. (needless to say i felt so smart when the teacher said that infront of the class) Anyway. Wicca uses mind over matter (which has been scientifically proven to work) along with medicinal plants in order to do things. As most people do i pick and choose things from my religion. I dont really call what i do spells or rituals. it's just mind over matter and plant like or rocks that have shown to work with things. tons of different rocks obsorb energy so theyre good to use in wicca. moon water is like a holy water to us. With that, some sage, and some quarts you can make your very own protection spell. Now all though this doesn't help much with the "real" world (meaning it wont help with a punch to the face) It will keep negative energy and spirits away from you. As i said eirlyer the trees talk to me. Now im not crazy there are many books and websites out there stating tht although its a rare thing to hear the trees speak many peple have learnt to hear it. Even biologists have said it's real. And with me being pagan I have powers. now dont get me wrong when i say powers I dont mean i can fly on a brom or turn people into fros (although this can happen in wicca it takes mannyyyyyyyy years of practice and its very rare) I can see ghosts. Its fairly on occassion. I can't see them all the time. I'll usually have a dream about them the night before hand. I can also feel their presence this can leave me with sleeping prblems because unlike a lot of my family im scared of it. I dont like feeling stared at when im trying to sleep. I don't like feeling people hold my hand while im waiting for the bus only for there to be noone else there. I'm the decendent of a survivor. People back then that were killed for witch craft were killed for something they can't control. They were killed for being able to do things most cant and they were killed for their religion. As learnt from WW2noone should be killed just for their religion. Why we didn't learn this sooner i dunno. why do we still have places where witchcraft is a crime punishabe by death, i dunno. In fact it's still illegal to be a witch in canada (although noone really actus on it. we have many festivals to clibrate witchcraft)

thats really all the main reasons. they steal things from other religions. they think it's okay to kill people of other religions just because they say so and they dont bother to teach or respect other religions. it condems bad things but "oh no tha persons gay! guess theyre going to hell". its just fucking stupid. Also they never talk about the fact that the bible literally gets changed every year. i dunno about you but most plaes dont change their religion every year.

so yeah. once again im not hating on people that believe in these religons. i hate people bassed off of how they treat me. im friends with a few cathlic people and every now and then i'll just be like "ugh i hate the catholic religon" and they'll go "hey im catholic" and ill be like |"oh sorry your reigion burnt my ancestors at the stake for their religon". I do often also not like the joke about "burn the witch" because it's a hug gnocide of wiccan and pagan people it's not something to laugh about. people dont joke about the holocaust just because most people just think were crazy and without even trying to learn about our religion call us devil worshipers, they think its okay to make jokes like that. Also the whole thing about wicca being devil worshiping was from the salem witch trials and the fact that christianity said that wiccan people got their powers from the devil. So yeah.... i would like to inform people "hey we arent devil worshipers were more like hippies, although id rather worship satan when his first rule is 'love yourself' where as one of your guyses rules is 'dont lve yourself'" because uh pride is a sin.... just sayin.....

so yeah i hope you liked this random thoughts from my mind and enjoyed the bit of information i hope i taught you. have a good night everyone <3 -bennett

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