Chapter 3

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"What are we going to do now?" Prentiss let's out a sigh.

"We track this son of a bitch down!" Morgan demands.

"Morgan, We don't have any ID on this guy or a location."

"Well I sure as hell ain't giving up!"

"Morgan we need to talk to Hotch."


"Hey Hotch how are you doing?" Prentiss asks.

"Have you found JJ yet?"

"No we're still looking"

"What about Jack? Is he okay?"

"Yeah he is fine"

"It should've been me he kept." Hotch mumbled under his breath.

"Hotch don't do this to yourself the only way you're going to help JJ is if you give us some information on the unub" Morgan ordered.

"Now, did you see anything around you?" Reid asked.

"Umm.. there was a lamp in the corner and a window but that is it besides JJ and I"

"Ok now did you hear anything?"

"I heard a car horn and some dogs barking"

"Any voices besides the unsubs?"

"Just the sound of JJ screaming" Hotch began to cry. "He made me watch"

"What did he make you watch?"

"He made me watch him slap her and beat her"

"Hotch you're safe now" Rossi reassured.

"Yeah but JJ is not"

"We will find her Hotch. Now get some rest." They all left determined to find JJ.


JJ woke up to him messing with her hair. "What are you doing you sick bastard!"

"Getting you ready for the camera of course"

"As soon as I get out of here I'm going to kill you!"

"Oh shut up I got to set the camera up" He walked around to the camera when JJ started rattling her hand cuffs. "SHUT UP!" He slapped her across her face. "The camera is ready. He starts a video chat with the BAU. "Hi you guys! You're in store for some entertainment today"


"You are really asking for it now!" He slams her chair on the floor and begins kicking her rapidly. She starts coughing up blood. "Oh get up you baby!" He grabs her handcuffs and attaches them to a chain on the ceiling then turns to the camera. "Wow isn't she just rude? But man do I like a girl who is crazy! Oh the things I'm going to do to you... But anyway that's not what I had in store for today. Jennifer will you tell me you love me?"


"oops wrong answer" He grabs a tazer and shocks her. "Try again"

"I never will!"

"Sorry wrong again" He unbuttons her shirt and starts slashing her multiple time with a knife. "Again, Jennifer Jareau do you love me?"

"Yes" She breaths out given up. "Yes okay?"

"Good then you won't mind this?" He grabs her hair and brings her close to him. He kisses her multiple times. His hand trailing all over her back. He turns to the camera. "One more thing my friends. Reid I'm talking to you mostly. Remember when you did dilaudid? Remember how it felt? The rush the relaxation of it all! Well let's see how your girlfriend likes it." He sets JJ back down on the chair and ties her up. He takes out a needle and a container of clear liquid. JJ sees it and tries to pull back.

"Please! No! I don't need it! I don't..." She goes silent as the drug works it way through her body.

"Let's hope she makes it through the night. See you tomorrow my friends"

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