Chapter 11

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JJ rolled over and saw the clock on her phone it flashed 7:15. They had to be at the station by 7:30. "SPENCE!!" She shot up covering herself. "ITS 7:15! We have to be at the station it 15 Minutes!" Reid shot up running to get his clothes on and putting on deodorant and trying to freshen himself up while JJ was putting on perfume and putting her hair in a ponytail. They both grabbed there stuff and rushed to the station. They ran in the conference room and everyone looked at them. "Sorry umm Spence oh um Reid spilled coffee on himself and we had to get him a new shirt" JJ spit out.

"Yeah haha clumsy me" Reid awkwardly laughed. Hotch just ignored them and starting talking about the case. Prentiss leaned over to Morgan and whispered

"Is that a hickie on JJ's neck?" Morgan examined her.

"I think it is" He said shocked.

JJ noticed them looking at her.

"Spence is their something on my face?" He looked at her.

"No you look- JJ you have umm a hickie on your neck!"

"What" She panicked and put her hair down. "Can you still see it?"

"No your good"

"JJ and Reid I want you to start a profile. Morgan, Prentiss, and Rossi I want you guys to come with me look into victimology" They all nodded and everyone left except JJ and Reid.

"Oh my gosh Reid" She looked down. "I can't believe I didn't notice"

"It's okay" He held her. "Now let's start this profile. Everyone was still in the parking lot when JJ and Reid walked out. They heard a scream and turned around and saw JJ's gun on the ground and a man holding a gun up to her head. "Hey man let her go" Reid said as the team raced towards them.

"Umm I don't want to do that" The man said ready to pull the trigger while JJ was trying to hold back tears. Hotch stepped forward. "Hey man one more shot and I pull the trigger" Hotch stopped. "Now I want you all to put your guns down"

"Why are you doing this?" Rossi said putting his gun down. "What do you want?"

"I want money"

"How much"

"10 Million"

"Okay just let her go and we can talk"

"Listen you're really testing my patience" He said choking JJ.

"He-Help P-P-Please" She said coughing and slowly loosing consciousness. Then there was a gunshot. An officer from inside the building shot the man. JJ was slammed on the ground and started coughing uncontrollably.

"JJ" Reid said running to her side. "Are you okay" She was still gasping for air and then then Morgan called the medics.

"Y-Y-Yes" She said letting out a cough. "I was so scared" She said crying in his arms.

"Well the medics are here" He said lifting her up and helping her to the ambulance. "They can help you"

"Hey Hotch" Morgan called over. "This guy had a picture of all the victims in his pocket."

"Well I guess we found our guy" Morgan stated.

"JJ are you okay?" Prentiss asked walking over to her.

"Yeah" She sighed.

"Ma'am in going to have to move your hair out of the way to see your neck" The medic ordered. He moved her hair out of the way and saw some marks showing that he had a severe grip. JJ looked down and noticed the mark Reid had left on her and quickly moved her hair down and hopped down from the ambulance.

"Thank you for your help" She walked away toward the station.

"JJ I think you should sit down for a little while you were choked pretty bad"

"Hotch" She snapped. "I'm fine" She walked into the station and towards the bathroom. She walks into the bathroom and looks into the mirror and loosens her shirt. She sees the area around her neck starting to bruise a little and then notices more marks. "Should I just tell the team about Reid and I?" Her thoughts were interrupted.

"Hey JJ are you okay?" Prentiss asked while JJ adjusts her shirt.

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Okay well that guy was our UnSub so we are fixing to head to the jet"

"Thanks I'll be right out" Prentiss left and JJ followed her and walked up to Reid. "Spence" She sighed. "People are starting to get suspicious about us"

"What are you thinking Jaydge?"

She looked into his eyes. "Maybe we should tell them"

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