Chapter 9

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A/N Mild Reid and JJ Moment. Please comment what you think :)


After JJ's breakfast in bed Reid put her dishes away and laid with her in bed. "Did you enjoy the breakfast?"

"Oh my gosh yes! It was so good! Way better than hospital food" She reached for his hand and held it. Reid replied with a squeeze of his hand. "Spence I really appreciate you helping me. I wouldn't want anyone else here watching me than you" She kissed him passionately on the lips.

"JJ" Reid Pulled back from her lips shocked.

" What Spence?" She looked concerned. "Is that too much? I'm so sorr..." She was interrupted by a pair of soft lips coming into contact with hers. Reid moved his hand behind the back of her head and brushed his hands through her hair. JJ then wrapped her sore hands around his neck and continued to kiss him. Allowing his tongue to enter her mouth. There tongues were dancing together when Reid's phone rang.

"Dr. Reid" He answered. "Yes. No problem. I'll be there." He hung up.

"Hotch wants me to go up there for a little bit and look at this case file" Reid got up and grabbed his bag. "I'll be back in a little while Jaydge" He blew her a kiss.

"Love you Spence"

"Love you too!"

Reid drove to the BAU and walked through the doors.

"Hey pretty boy? How's it going? Is JJ doing good?"

"Yeah she is doing well."

"Is that lipstick on the side of your mouth?" Morgan curiously asked.

"U-umm No!" He started wiping his mouth. "Don't know where that came from?" He ran to the bathroom and noticed the lipstick was just smearing and that his hair was messed up still from JJ running her fingers through his hair. He finished removing the lipstick and fixing his hair and then walked back out.

"Well well well Reid." Prentiss said walking up to Reid. "Someone has got a woman and isn't telling us about her"

"All I heard was Reid and woman?" Garcia said running out with her heels hitting the floor. "So who is she?

"I don't have a woman" Reid moaned. "its nothing"

"Okay Reid but sooner or later we will find out" Garcia snickered.

Reid was at the BAU until about 12:00 in the afternoon. He drive home and walked inside.

"JJ" He walked to her room and noticed she was sleeping. He Put on some comfy PJs and laid next to her. She moved and put her head in his chest. A couple hours later JJ woke up and hopped to the bathroom trying not to wake Reid up. She finished and was just hopping out of the bathroom door when she fell.

"Oww!!" She cried.

"JJ!" Reid raced over to her side. "Are you okay!!"

"Yeah I just landed on my bad foot" Reid helped he up and laid her in bed. "Thank you!"

"No problem" He replied. "You want some dinner?"


"Look I think Reid and JJ are together" Garcia said walking out of the BAU with Rossi, Prentiss, and Morgan.

"What makes you think that?" Rossi asked.

"Well Let's see Reid came up here directly after being with JJ and had lipstick marks on the side of his mouth"

"And his hair was all ruffled and messy" Prentiss added.

"Okay maybe he does have a girl but it doesn't mean it's JJ" Morgan stated.

"Okay Hot stuff whatever you say bit JJ should be back on her feet in 2 weeks. When she comes back we will know if something's up.



"Well Reid I'm all better no more sore bones all ready to go back to work" JJ said in the parking lot of the BAU.

"Yep! I love you" He grabbed her waist and pulled her froward and kissed her deeply and JJ replied by wrapping her arms around his shoulders and standing on her tippy toes to get the full experience of doctor Reid. "Now are we going to keep this a secret?"

"I think we should"

"Well then we shall" He smiled and they walked in professionally. While they made there way up the stairs everyone was huddled my Garcias computer looking at the security footage in the parking lot.


"Man pretty boy get some!" Morgan yelled.

"Nice to see you back JJ" Hotch said from the other room. The team got straightened up and walked out there.

"JJ we've missed you" Prentiss said greeting her with a hug.

"I've missed you all so much" She replied and gave them all hugs. "So let's get started."

"Well it's just a paperwork day today JJ. Sorry you have to keep all that Kick ass contained in you" Hotch smiled.

"Aw man" She frowned. "Well anything you need I'm here." Hotch handed them all some files. A couple hours passed and they were all scattered to their desks. JJ was sitting on top of Reid's desk helping him.

"Do you see that?" Morgan whispered to Prentiss as Reid was patting JJ's thigh. "Why don't they just come out with it already?!"

"Maybe they think Hotch won't allow it?"

"Maybe but it's time to go." Morgan grabbed his stuff. "It's been a long day"

"Thanks for all the help Jaydge" Reid smiled.

"No problem" She grinned. "You know Henry has a play date with one of his school buddies today so it will just be me and you."

"That'll be nice" He laughed and they both hopped into his car and drove to JJ's. They arrived at her house and walked in side when JJ was being slammed on the door by Reid who was greeting her with a million kisses. "Is this what you wanted to do" He smiled bringing her to the bedroom.

"Yes" She started unbuttoning his vest and removing his tie when he ripped her shirt off and unclipped her Bra. Reid threw JJ on the bed unbuttoning her pants and removing his own. He climbed on top of her and started kissing her body. The next morning they woke up wrapped up in each others naked bodies knowing that they had both had a great night.

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