V. We need time to heal

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V. We need time to heal

"So what did Jungkook do?" Jennie asked. "He went to school drunk and he almost caused a scene." I said. She nodded her head "So that's what the talks all about." She said. I looked at her confused "What talks?" I asked her. "Well after first period there were lots of murmurs saying you have a lovers quarrel but I also heard the name of Chanyeol. Was he there?" she asked. "He was trying to help me this morning but I told him that I'm okay so that he would walk away. I don't want to cause any trouble for them." Jennie smiled and changed the topic "Okay so enough about your stressful morning. Why don't we head home together later." She suggested "Don't you have practice?" I asked "Well yeah but you can sit on the bleachers and watch for a while." Watching Jennie practice is also watching Jungkook playing baseball. I almost hesitated but Jennie begged "Pretty please. I really want to experience going home together with someone." I can't refuse her so I nodded my head. She clapped her hands excitedly "Great!"

After lunch Jennie and I had a class together. Literature my favourite. At the back of the classroom I heard boys laughing and saw a familiar face. "All the front seats are taken. They just want to look at Professor Ahn Jae Hyun closely." She pouted. I laugh at her "Lets just sit there." I said pointing at a vacant seat. It was near Chanyeol's group but it's the only vacant seat where you can see the professor clearly. As we sat down Chanyeol greeted us "Hey how come I didn't see you in this class." Jennie replied "Because you always sit at the back and we always grab the front row sits." He nodded his head and shrugged his shoulders. "Chanyeol stop putting your moves on chicks." One of his friends said. He just flipped him off "You're just jealous I'm talking to your ideal type." He said back to his friend.

I notice Jennie's face blushed. I looked at Chanyeol and he just winked. Ooh so someone likes Jennie from his group. "Hey Kai you want to change sits with my friend here." He shouted which earned him a glare from Jennie. "Why? Is she interested in swapping sits?" The Kai guy asked. I looked at Chanyeol questioningly. "Well she can just sit beside me." He said. "Bro do you want to get killed by your girlfriend?" another guy said making them all laugh. So he has a girlfriend. I don't know why but I felt relieved. The guy beside him nudge him "Prof is here. Shut up or we're going to get detention and miss practice again."

The guy beside him is handsome and has a nice psyche. Broad shoulders and tall. I didn't realize I'm staring until Jennie nudged me "You're staring." She whispered. I snapped out of it. "That's Sehun. Chanyeol's teammate. Isn't he handsome?" she whispered. I nudged her back "Well yeah he's handsome." I admitted because he really is. "Too bad I'm not looking for any relationships right now." I said. Jennie nodded her head on understanding. "So you and Kai eh?" I teased her. She rolled her eyes "Its nothing. He has a girlfriend anyway." I looked at her "I don't think so." She looked back at me "She has. I think her name is Krystal and she's pretty too." Chanyeol who was listening to us butt in "They're not together anymore." He whispered making us looked back at him with wide eyes. "How long have you been listening?" I asked. He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows "Since I heard Sehun and my name." I looked at Jennie and face palmed my face "Oh my gosh that's embarrassing. Why are you eavesdropping?" I said not facing them.

"We didn't purposely do it. Its just that we heard our names and maybe thought you girls we talking about us." He said. I sneaked a glance at Sehun who coincidentally turned his head too. I quickly averted my eyes and try to concentrate to our professor. What am I doing? This isn't the appropriate time for another relationship. I still love Jungkook. I erased all thoughts of Sehun.

After the class ended I overheard one of their teammates said "Hey guys Coach just sent a message. He said no practice today but we're going to have it tomorrow morning." I heard some groaning Chanyeol called me "Hey Lisa. Wait for us." There were oohs and whistles from his teammates. "Quit it you guys. I'm doing this not for me but for my best mate." He put his arms around Sehun's shoulders. The latter just rolled his eyes. "Hey I wanna go too." Kai who's at the back said. Jennie was shocked and quickly got out of the classroom.

Chanyeol, Kai and Sehun are walking with us. "Lisa I still have practice. You promised you'd be there." I nodded my head "Yeah but I still have to go to the library." Jennie pouted "Aw Jen don't worry. We'll be watching you." Chanyeol teased. Just then a girl was coming right to us. "Here she comes." Kai whispered. "Love I was waiting for you." She hugged Chanyeol. "I just got out of the class. Do you mind if we watch the cheerleader's practice?" her girlfriend pouted "Don't you have practice?" Chanyeol who adorably touch his girlfriend's nose said "Our coach cancelled the practice but tomorrow we have to be early."

In times like this I miss having him. I smiled at them "Hey guys. I'll go to the library first. I'll surely watch your practice Jen. Just wait for me, okay?" Jennie pouted "Okay. Catch you up later guys." She headed to quadrangle for her practice. Kai, Chanyeol and his girlfriend followed her. "Wait for us." I headed to the library but I didn't expect him to follow me. "I'm not following you. I also need to return something in the library." Sehun said quietly walking beside me. I just nodded my head to him. We walked together silently going to the library.

We arrived together it was kind of awkward and the people stares are making me uncomfortable maybe because of Sehun or maybe because they're wondering why Jungkook is not with me. I headed straight to the bookshelves to find the research book that I needed. Honestly I don't really have nothing to do in the library. I just want to spend my time here since its to early to go out and see Jungkook. I grabbed the book that I was looking for and see if there's any vacant table.

I found a table and a chair near the window. Just the perfect spot for me to read. I was so engrossed on the book that I hadn't notice someone took a seat in front of me. "I thought you're doing something important?" A voice asked. I out down the book and checked the clock I just shrugged "Its still so early anyway." He looked at me questioningly "You don't really want to watch the practice, right?" he asked. "Its not that I don't want to watch Jen practice. I just don't want to see someone." I said. "Aah the ex-boyfriend?" I set the book aside and looked at him "An ex-boyfriend I don't want to talk about." I said closing the topic.

I think he gets it that I don't want to talk about the ex-boyfriend. I return the other books and brought the book that I needed to borrow. I still have 1 hour to watch Jennie's practice. "I'm sorry if it made you upset." Sehun who's also coming to watch since his friends are there. "Its okay. I'm just not comfortable talking about it with someone I barely know." He nodded his head understanding me. "You'll eventually move on and heal at the right time." He said smiling. "Thank you." I said quietly.


Here I go again updating. I promised that I'm going to update on Wednesday but I got bored and decided to upload this chap. 😅😂

Oh and EXO had a comeback don't forget to watch it.

Comment down your thoughts about Sehun and Lisa. What do you think? Is he a good rival to Jungkook? Vote if you like this chapter. Thank you.

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