Chapter Two - Dork

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Blood, guns, creepy people in masks, blood, more blood, weird children and murderous boyfriends. Why on earth did her father want her to watch this with them? She could be asleep, having glorious dreams that would ultimately put her in a better mood.

'Thanks mom... I was counting on you.'

Ever since she'd gotten home, even after her visit with Levi, she felt awful. All the things her parents would talk about just weighed down on her like a truck. We don't have money for this, we don't have money for that, we'll get evicted if this keeps up, what are we supposed to do?

Sometimes, they'd ask her what to do. What she wanted to do. Does she want to go live with grandma' for a while? Well, obviously she'd have no choice.

"This movie is so weird." she grumbled, grimacing at the screen durring a particularly bloody scene.

"It's fucked up, that's what it is."


Wen and her parents were watching the Purge, her mother scolding her dad every time he cursed. It happened whenever a scene scared him, using profane language covering up his fear.

The movie was giving her anxiety. Bad anxiety .

Right now, they watched the scene where the creepy people with the masks tear into the house, angry that their right to purge was taken away from the main characters. They certainly picked the right person to play the leader, he was all kinds of creepy.

Wen didn't like scary movies, if it wasn't obvious.

Flinching away from the screen, Wen unlocked her phone. A distraction was very needed. Though, she knew her dad would get upset if she didn't have her full attention on the movie. So she turned down the brightness and only looked at it when something gory was happening.

Which, after the bad guys got in, was every scene. Girls swinging around axes, gun shots, blood, dead people. Just then, the dad was stabbed by the "Main Creep". She could feel the stab wound just by seeing it happen. Now her stomach hurts. Great.

Wen sighed, looking back at her phone, holding her belly.

'New message from: Dork"

Wen glanced over at her father, he was completely absorbed by the movie. She looked at her phone, opening the new message. Dork was Levi, because he was one. It was only the next day after he showed up at her house. They had to call his mom to find out where the spare key to his house was.

Aunt Grace didn't want Levi over there.


Levi: want to walk around town? :D

Wen: isn't it a little late?

Levi: So? You love night walks, c'mon. :333

She pursed her lips, curled up in a ball on her bed. His use of emoticons was growing by the text. Wen looked at the phone, grazing her fingers over the letters. Only a few seconds later, Levi messaged her again.

Levi: something wrong? >:/??

She wanted to say no, but it would be a lie. It's not that she had some deep emotional problem. It's just... That movie creeped her out. And now all she could think of was getting murdered in the middle of the night.

Wen: I watched a horror movie with my parents.

Levi: Aw, is little bookworm scared?

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