Chapter One ~ Old Friends

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Chapter One ~ Old Friends

It was years after the tragedy at Markiplier Manor.

Somehow, Damien had woken up, in his own body. He didn't know how, no one was around to explain it to him.

He remembered his past and what had happened, but he tried to move on and forget.

It was early winter. Fall was coming to an end and snow was just on the horizon. Damien was out for a peaceful stroll, a light fall jacket on, his hands in his pockets.

He walked through the park, glancing at the leaves on the ground and the bare trees. He stopped when his eyes landed on someone... familiar?

The sight made him stop as he looked at the man. A slightly taller fellow with dyed pink hair that was black on the sides, and a thick pink mustache that curled at the ends.

The man wore a black fall jacket that was unbuttoned, simply draped over his shoulders, the sleeves hanging loose. He wore a white shirt that was slightly unbuttoned and a pair of black slacks, held up by pink suspenders barely visible underneath the jacket.

But his features were familiar.

Damien tried to remember what his name was, anyone could see gears working in his head. Then it clicked.

"William...?" Damien murmured.

The man glanced up upon hearing that name, an odd look on his face as he glanced over at Damien, confused.

He tilted his head at the former mayor.

"Now that's a name I haven't heard in years..." He frowned softly, laugh lines showing faintly around his mouth. " I know you, friend?"

Damien furrowed his brows a little in confusion. "You don't remember me, old friend? It's me! Damien!" He exclaimed.

The pink haired man frowned heavily in confusion, looking deep in thought, as if trying to recall a faint and distant memory.

"No, I don't... wait," He blinked, his eyes widening a slightest bit before his face lights up. "Wait! Yes! Damien! Why, it's been years! Why, the last time I saw you was... when..."

He frowns, trying to recall.

The recognition made Damien smile a little, but it faltered as he saw William trying to remember where they last saw each other. In fact, the last time they saw each other was back at Markiplier Manor.

The tragic series of events that happened there still haunted them.

"When Mark died..." He whispered.

The pink man's face instantly pales as the memories are forced back and his smile falters.

"Oh... y-yes. That was it."

Damien simply nodded, the memories flooding back into his mind. He tried to shake them away, but he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to forget what happened years ago.

Wil clears his throat and winces, shaking his head, his now pink hair falling into his eyes with each sharp jerk of his head.

"I don't dwell on the past. I don't usually remember much."

", you don't remember about... what we did all those years we were friends?" Damien asked. Wil frowns and looks thoughtful.

"I can recall bits and pieces, if I want to..."

"Well..." Damien dug deep into his mind, trying to find a good memory he and William had shared. "Remember when we were kids and we ran around and played tag and then you, being a clumsy person..." Damien paused for a bit to resist a snicker. "You tripped over a rock, was it? Or was it your shoelaces, I can't recall but I know you tripped over something, then it was fall, so when you tripped, your face went deep into a pile of leaves." Damien chuckled, seeing the fun memory vividly.

Wil closed his eyes in concentration, before slowly, a smile creeps across his face.

"Yes, I remember that..." His eyes open, a slight twinkle in his beautiful dark hues. "I scraped up my face when I fell. Or was that a different time? I remember you making me sit still while you stuck bandages all over my face... I always thought you'd become a doctor. You surprised me."

Damien chuckled. "Well, my dad taught me things about first aid..." He shrugged.

Wil took a hesitant step forward before engulfing Damien in a tight hug. "It's good to see you, old friend." He mumbled softly.

Damien tensed up a little at the sudden action, but relaxed and smiled, hugging back tightly. "It's good to see you too, old friend."

He pulls back and smiles, patting Damien on the shoulder before his touch leaves him. "Why haven't we caught up in all these years?"

He freezes at his own words as something flashes across his eyes, a fleeting memory, and he looks down at his hands, as if remembering something.

Damien sees this and gets concerned. "William? Are you alright?"

He jerks and raises a hand a bit, almost as if guarding himself. "Please... d-don't call me that. That's not my name. It hasn't been for a very long time."

"O-oh... well, I uhm... I apologize..." Damien looked down shamefully.

"No. It's alright. It just..." He shakes his head and smiles slightly, offering his hand for a handshake. "Allow me to reintroduce myself. Wilford Warfstache, at your service, friend."

Damien smiled politely and shook his hand. "Mayor - well, former mayor - Damien. Nice to meet you, friend." He shook Wilford's hand.

Wilford smiled a beautifully charming smile before releasing his hand, tucking his back into his jacket pocket.

Damien smiled back and he could swear he could feel his heart race.

Wilford glanced around at the street they were standing on. His jacket moved slightly and Damien could see a gun tucked into the waistband of his pants, the familiar .357 Magnum he's always had, the one he was brandishing so violently the last night they met.

"I was just on my way to get some coffee... you're welcome to come with me if you're not busy?"

Damien saw the gun and images of William waving it around viciously appear in his mind. He tried to repress them and smiled warmly at Wilford. "I'd be happy to join you."

He grins happily. "Bully!" He chirps the word almost, his accent just as thick as it was in the past. He links his arm with Damien's. "Shall we?"

Damien chuckled. "We shall." He smiled brightly.

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