Small and weak
A target you seek
But you never knew
The strength I grewYou sang your mocking songs
You deny all your wrongs
But I know you felt my stare
And I wonder if you would dare
To attack me now
If you'd still stand somehowThat day was the final straw
I'm not the same person you last saw
And tonight it'll be dangerous
Anywhere near me is treacherous
So don't you dare come close
I've become a poisoned rose
Now keep all eyes on me and me only
As I set the world on fire in all its gloryBy then I'll have proven you wrong
And my heart will dance all day long
For I have proven myself worthy
And now I'm finally set free
With the world burning beneath my feet
I'll give you a smile when we meet
But you'll give me back a cry of horror
Because you're living the life I had before

Poetry"IT'S POEHTIHC" Said the nut, who's one of the authors of this book. "...YOU BAKA, FOINE" Was what the potato, the other author, replied as she laughed and wondered what's wrong with them. This book is a compilation of poems made by two weird author...