Chapter 6 : Amortentia

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A fortnight has passed off all these events. Adam and Jo were best friends again. Professor Salem came back to teach us and I was excited for Christmas. Another week and I'll be opening my gifts with the Weasleys. I owled to mum and dad about the secret Santa with the gang, and she agreed. She's definitely my mum. I was now in Potions with Professor Slughorn; I just have to admit that he is absolutely the most boring and exciting professor of all Hogwarts. One class was interesting and another one boring as Hugo. Not as Albus or Evelynne who adored the class and the teacher! Another proof that these two were made for each other, to their negation and frustration about that subject. We were studying a very hideous, yet weird potion: Amortentia!

All the girls, except for me and Evelynne were trying to smell the potion. They really wanted to know their future's husband identity! Love, such a horrible and illogical thing! It isn't like math, because you didn't know if the other person had the same feelings towards you unlike math where you were sure that 1+1= 2! Really weird. Another reason is that I never believed in true love, only in Disney movies:

- "Ladies and gentleman, what makes Amortentia the strongest potion in the whole world? Yes, miss Belquis?"

- "Amortentia changes smell according to the person's true love. The smell leads to that person's favorite flower or favorite dish."

- "Correct. Like Belquis said, the smell changes according to the person. Would you please tell me what are you smelling?". She blushed and she looked straight at Jo, who was smiling and blushing like a tomato...

- "Well, I smell pizza, butter beer. And pudding."

- "Thank you. Besides that, it's very powerful, it can lead to catastrophes and diseases. So I'm closing it."

All the girls wanted to smell it. I kind of wanted to smell it too. We finished copying the lesson and all the class went out of the classroom except for Scorp, Evie, Albus and I:

- "I really wonder what you're smelling down there Rose." Albus said

- "Probably books, your one and only true love." Scorpius said with a smile. We all laughed. He wasn't wrong. I approached the potion, removed the cover and started to smell something like...Fresh baked bread! What, how weird...

- "So Rosie-Posie, what do you smell?" Scorpius asked with the famous evil smirk

- "Bread, fresh baked bread. It's probably a sign that my soulmate is a baker." I said with a laugh. "What about you?". He came near the cauldron, and he turned red very bright; that he ran outside the classroom as fast as a flash... What could he be possibly smelling?

I was worried about Scorpius: He didn't come to Flying class or Muggle Studies. Usually, he loved this subject and the professor wasn't that horrible after all. I looked up to dinner to see him but he wasn't here, so I asked all the boys but they said that they didn't see him this afternoon at the Slytherin common room. I was worried and anxious about it. He never does this, what could've happened?

I decided to go to mister Slughorn, in hope to find a clue about him, alas I changed my mind in my midway and decided to go to the girl's toilets, where the Moaning Myrtle was.

I ran as fast as I could; and everybody was staring at me, but it didn't make me stop from running. The toilets were in front of me: I walked in and saw Scorpius crying. He was on the floor, his robe wet from head to toes, I came near him and patted his shoulder:

- "Hey Scorp, what's wrong? What's happening? I was worried sick about you all day long long? Does this have a relation with Amortentia? I asked, going onto my knees, and hugging him. He was ill and he needed affection. He stopped crying and looked into my eyes, that were anxious and searching for the cause of the crying.

Coincidence: a Scorose/Rosius fanfcitionWhere stories live. Discover now